Chapter 2: school!

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Morning first class p.e. 7 min run so exhausted what a way to start out my day. After we were finished running Sora came up to me " tired?"

I nodded " I'm not even breaking a sweat."

He wasn't lying " how many laps did you get?" I asked.

" 20."

" Really wow that's a lot."

" you think so I didn't even really try this time."

I stould up and jokingly pushed Sora to the ground I giggled " show off."

We both started to laugh. Then the teacher came over to us " don't you have somewhere to be?"

" No." Answered Sora

" Don't be a smart ass!"

Sora and I nodded and went to class " wow talk about uptight."

We both laughed. Next class math. Me and Sora went and sat down Sora, Riku, and I all sat at the same table. " this is so boring." Sora whispered to me

I giggled " maybe it won't be so boring in the office mr.Sora?"

" And you."

she pointed to me " don't encourage him."

The bell rang it was recess Sora, Riku, and I hung out everyday anytime we could we were the 3 best friends that never fought. Recess ended we had reading next all three of us sat down and started to read. Sora was reading a book about other worlds and fantasy lands. Then Riku was reading a book on adventure and science fiction. And my book was about three best friends named Joseph, Aaron, and Megan they reminded me of Sora, Riku, and I it was about how these three friends go on an adventure to other worlds and they run into these things called heartless but then Megan gets lost in the darkness and its a race between Joseph, and Aaron to see who will save her first. Reading was over now it was language art. We were learning about discrimination, and racism Stuff like that. Next class social. We were learning about government and the types of government like democracy, dictatorship, and oligarchy and so on. Then lunch finale came once again Sora, Riku, and I sat together and we talked a bit more about the summer. Them we randomly got into the topic of hair it was really weird. The next class we had was paa. me and Riku got put in partners we were working on a project together we were building things so Ya. Next class band/music. Now this is the class that Sora, Riku, and I weren't in together Riku, and Sora were in music, and I was in band I played the flute.

Last recess came so nothing special same old. The last class was science. Sora, Riku, and I got put in a group together we were working on the particle theory dances. That's my day at school now the walk home was interesting.

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