Prologue - December 2002

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a man with a trench coat travelled the city, he had a black tophat on and his face was covered with a mask . he couldn't believe - a month ago , what he had just done with a woman , not of his own sort at all . it was something accidental , he only wanted to have one baby . but guess what ? he fucked up .

he took a deep breath , it was snowing at this hour - in nyc , very dark atmosphere .. the lights were on , and the streets would usually be crowded . however , that wasn't happening .

he wanted to escape , he wanted to leave . he mumbled to himself , angrily , and dug his hands in his pockets with much aggravation .

he took slow steps , since he had to get home . to take care of his first child - the ONLY child he wanted , another name for that kid .

the man grunted , and started cursing . his expression then changed so he could forget about the whole pregnancy thing , and went on with his path .

he picked up his pace a bit , swallowing . it was too much pressure , why did he have to get .. yet another kid !? one was enough , an individual whom he actually cared for . but two ? that was a big fat no for him ..

as his mind wandered off , he finally reached his house , and stopped right infront of it . the front garden had pretty flowers .. and he didn't enjoy it that much . his wife liked it , however .

thinking about his wife , it was almost time for dinner . so he slowly took steps towards the front door as he observed this wretched mess of a 'pretty' garden he disliked , with no guilt glinting in his eyes .

the man reached the front door , finally , after a moment . he took his hands out of his pockets , a group of keys following in one of his hands .

the keys made a loud clink sound . and he hesitated , before unlocking the door . he twisted the door knob and opened the door , then took the key out of the lock , and entered .

there was a woman , she stood in the kitchen , making food for the family . the man glanced at her , without smiling , then looked away and took off his trench coat , along with his tophat .

"hello .. honey ." he greeted his wife , no emotion at all . the woman chuckled , "oh , hi , dear ..!" she greeted back , as she continued on with her action .

there was a baby boy in the high chair , a few strands of dark brown hair on his bare head . now that made the man smile , his very own son . he didn't want another child , just a son ..

now about that , he thought about .. the underworld .!

why , you may ask ? well - this man , that i am currently talking of . he's the king of the underworld . he wants his firstborn child to be the next ruler ,,

that secret shall be kept for awhile, though .

a lightbulb sparked in the mans head , and he pointed up , finally showing some enthusiasm . his wife noticed , and tilted her head curiously , "what happened ?" she asked , proceeding to smile .

his enthusiasm then faded away , "nothing , darling , i have a business trip tomorrow -"

the woman cut him off , "how long will you be gone ?" she questioned , as if she wanted to know every . single . detail .

"a week , i'm afraid . i'll miss you ." the man lied , well .. in reality , he wouldn't miss his wife at all . but , at one point he had to visit again , so he could watch his son grow ..

or he could just watch his son from the underworld , he was incapable of to , at the moment , but there had to be a way , right ? well , surely he'll find one eventually .

the lady hummed as she cooked , and the man walked up to his son .

"maikeru .. i'll be back for you soon ." he leaned down to his son , patting his forehead .. it seems that the childs name was maikeru .

".. or should i call you mike ? hm ." he wondered , mike would be shorter - and easier to remember . then he snickered , "maikeru 'mike' shiraki . the new reign designated for you is willing to come soon .." he whispered to mike .

mike just sat in his high chair , confused . and flapped his arms .

it was - much expected , since mike was just a child . he wouldn't understand that much .. just yet .

the woman finally finished her duty of cooking , "dinner is ready !" she called in a sing-song tone , and placed the plates , filled with food , on the table .

mikes father walked away , and sat on his chair . the dinner then began , and mike watched his parents eat .

mike had a bottle of milk infront of him , with animal crackers , it wasn't much but then again , mike was just a kid .. so , wouldn't matter that much ..?

mike grabbed on one of the crackers and looked at it , then sniffed it peculiarly. he grinned and stuck it in his mouth , and started to babble in happiness ! he enjoyed the taste of the cracker , and stuck more in his mouth quickly .

his mother then stopped him , "maikeru ! don't eat too fast , or you might get a stomach ache !" she scolded , then sat back down . mike didn't know - what any of this meant , but by the tone of his mothers voice , he stopped what he was doing , and just sat in his chair . his parents then started talking in japanese , and that caused the current conversation to be more .. confusing for him .

dinner finally ended , "i have a nickname for maikeru , a much more .. memorable name . it's shorter ." his father mentioned , mike watched his mother glance at his father . "what is it ?" his mother beamed .

"mike . maikeru 'mike' shiraki .. his middle name , yes ?" his dad answered , pointing up , and nodding because of his nickname for mike . "ah , what a great name ! i'll call him that from now on ." his mothers eyes twinkled with stars , with much approval .

lights out now ? his mother carried mike out of his high chair , and held him in her arms .

his fathers expression changed as soon as mikes mom looked away from him , and he walked away , to him and his mothers bedroom .

mike glanced up at his mother , no laughing , no smiling , just a blank stare . mikes mother felt a bit uneasy , but didn't want to say anything , not wanting anymore pressure for the night . she just carried mike to his room , and placed him down on his crib .

she sung a lullaby for mike to sleep - but during so , something kicked in her stomach , and she crouched down a bit , holding her stomach in pain . she groaned , but mike fell asleep with no problems .

what the fuck , was that music to mike ? oh my god

she slowly crouched out of the room and turned mikes night light off , while breathing heavily , baring the pain . she closed the door slowly as she made her way out of the exit , and went back to her room , where her husband was .


the next morning , the woman woke up , finding her husband .. not with her ? it seems like her husband left early , without notifying her .

she rubbed her eyes and got up , looking out the window . she saw , out of her view ...

a sign ?

there was some kind of ritual there , her garden was practically ruined by it . and she quickly slipped on her slippers , and walked out , the slippers squenching on the hard floor .

she peeked out the door , to get a closer look .

her garden really was ruined .. what the hell happened ?


as said in the description of this story , yes there IS going to be slow updates .. i only write when i'm motivated lmao ( which is .. 10% of the time )

however , mikah is my favorite character


did i ever mention mikah is my favorite character ?

now , my apologies that mikahs name was NOT mentioned here once , but they were hinted in some parts of this chapter ..!!


byee :):))):)

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