little bard man and his gay littrle life ‼️

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Lynx, hes (technically?) homeless but he kinda has a life in a tree house deep in the woods. Nobody ever bothers his house, in fact, nobody even really knows where it is besides him. Nobody knows how he constantly remembers the way to his house considering how confusing the woods are, its like the trees move and move everyday, but obviously, they dont because their trees. Sometimes Lynx likes to go into the village, in the village they have a royal family.
The queen of the family sadly passed away about a year or two after birthing the princess, Charlotte, and ever since she died the king has been a real prick. Besides the princess- theres also a prince. The princes name is Sebastian. Sometimes while Lynx goes into the village him and Sebastian make eye contact. Its always only for a few moments but it makes him feel all fluffy inside, but of course after a few seconds Charlotte always ends up dragging Sebastian away.
None of the royal family like Lynx that much, mainly because a lot of the Townsfolk ended up blaming him for the queens death even though its not true. Lynx and Sebastian used to hang out when they were younger and once when the queen was alive she sacrificed her life to save Lynx.
Sometimes when Lynx does go into the town he does little performances for the kids and for people passing by, thats how he makes money occasionally, he also gets money from poem commissions.

Lynx also has a sister, shes not technically his sister but they both think of each other as sibling figures. Shes a pixie and her name is Layla. Layla has always been the type to enjoy childish things while being "too old" for them. She enjoys flowers, pastel things, and kids toys. She never leaves the woods so she doesn't ever actually see the village, but whenever Lynx goes into the village as soon as he gets back he tells Layla everything that happened in his day. (LAYLAS A PIXIE BY THE WAY SHES SO COOL and shes Muslim)

And then theres Sebastian, he lives in an awfully large castle with his sister and father, along with the chef and maids. Sebastian sometimes likes to go out during the night, usually, when he goes he just goes for a stroll in the woods.. Sebastian doesn't like his father, his dad doesnt like Lynx and refuses to ever let him go out and see Lynx. Why you may he asking? Well, as i mentioned earlier the queen sacrificed her life to keep lynx alive and ever since that happened Sebastian hasnt been allowed to be around Lynx as long as his father or sister is around. Sebastian hasn't had any friends in his life besides Lynx, but now he has nobody. Not even his sister likes him. Sebastian has been considering talking to Lynx about going to his "house" but unfortunately if anybody sees it'll most likely immediately get to his father, resulting in punishment.

Now, theres not much about Charlotte, shes always been quite mysterious.. Never really out of the house, she never really talked to anyone her life. Occasionally she talked to Layla over the lake which blocks the woods from the village, there is a bridge to get to the woods that lynx usually takes but Layla and Charlotte never really considering talking like directly by eachother. Sometimes when Layla and Charlotte talk Layla usually brings up Sebastian. Usually its something causal like "Hows Sebastian been doing?" its always the same reply from Charlotte, "bored, sad, lonely most likely." or something along those lines.

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