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Angela watched as the trees flew by, her attention caught by nothing in particular as she played the last memories she had of her parents. The only thing she was allowed to bring with her, well that and her phone. Not like she minded the total wardrobe change. Shopping, as cliché as it sounded, was something Angela actually enjoyed.

She felt the tug of multiple emotions at once, confusion, sadness, despair, loss, and many others she didn't try to pinpoint but knew better than to display such emotions in public. Even if that public implied her personal driver and the few bodyguards tailing behind and in front of them. Her father's words ringing ever fresh in her memory. "Remember snowflake, head high, no cracks. What they don't know they can't use against you".

She remembered her twelve-year-old self replying positively and the proud smile that slipped unto her father's face before he was ushered away for a press meeting. She let the melodic voice of Jessie and the hum of the vehicle lull her to sleep along with the sweet memories she tried to preserve.



The voice sounded far away but Angela couldn't locate where it was coming from. It drew closer and closer until she realised it wasn't far away at all. Angela forced herself back into the present, keeping any relief sleep held for her at bay.

"Angie, we have arrived", Joseph, her personal driver, informed her as he held her door open for her with one hand and gestured to the grand house before them with the other. She gave him a small smile as a token of her gratitude as she alighted the black SUV.

He helped her out of the car and Angela realised how much she appreciated just his presence. In the past 24 hours, Joseph had become the only friend she had, not like she had many to start with. He was around her age, his brown hair was usually a dishevelled mess, despite his job because he was always running his hands through it. His blue eyes held a warmness she had become accustomed to and his muscled made to give the best hugs.

He'd been hired four years ago when Angela had complained she was tired of having old burly men drive her around. Joseph's dad and hers were good friends and he managed to snag the job for Joseph. Ever since then, they'd grown very close, and he'd become her bodyguard as well. Next to her dad, he was the person Angela trusted the most. He was the big brother, she'd always wanted.

"Even after driving hours on little to no sleep, you still look like you just left a fashion shoot".

As tired as she was, Angela still managed a small smile which Joseph seemed to be content with as he gave her a smile of his own.

"You flatter me, kind sir" she said in an olden accent and Joseph faked a cringe.

"What did I say about that accent?" he asked as he shook his head in mock disapproval.

"I thought you liked it?" Angela asked faking hurt, as she put her hand on her chest to really sell it. Joseph just raised his left eyebrow as if to say 'Really?'.

"Yeah, on *insert actor that acts in olden days movies*, not you" he deadpanned.

"Ouch, well I guess I'll just have to look for someone who appreciates my accent".

"Good luck with that" Joseph scoffed, and Angela laughed.

"Thanks Joe, for the laugh" she offered him a small smile which he easily returned.

"Anytime miss" he replied in a bad southern accent as he tipped his imaginary hat.

"Who's the one bad at accents now?"

He shrugged as he got back into the car, "I never said I was good at them, just pointed out that you were bad at them".

He gave her a cheeky smile as his blue eyes held a glint of mischief and she smiled back but hers spoke of disbelief.

"You're a real piece of work, Joseph, you know that?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

He pretended to think about it as he started the car before answering with a wink, "I've been told".

"Get back to headquarters" she ordered though it held no authority or seriousness.

"Will do, ma'am".

She turned towards the house in front of her unable to move when she heard Joseph call out to her. She turned expectant.

"And Angela?"


"Stay out of trouble". He said, and Angela picked the hint of exasperation in his voice, and it eased her nerves a little as she laughed it off.

"I'll try but no promises".

He offered her one last smile and a fake salute before he drove down the driveway and out of the estate. Angela's eyes never leaving the car until it was out of sight.

She turned back to the house and let out a deep breath.

She'd been told she would be living with a relative, but she didn't know who exactly it would be. She just hoped the person wouldn't be too bad, preferably a woman at least.

"Head high, no cracks," Angela whispered to herself as she walked slowly and cautiously as she approached the front door of the modern home. The hedges were well kept, and the exterior spoke volumes of wealth, the large windows revealing nothing of the inside.

As she stood in front of the door, she let out one last breath before she made to ring the doorbell but before her hands could graze the button, the door swung open revealing a young woman in her late twenties. She had strawberry blonde hair, high cheekbones, and icy blue eyes that she felt could see right through her.

All the features of her late mother but Angela knew this young woman couldn't possibly be her mother. Her head spun with questions as the next words she spoke pulled her further down the road of confusion.

"Hey cuz".

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