Pinky promise

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Tara sat at the back of the ambulance with Mindy as she was crying over her girlfriend. "Oh my god who." Ethan asked the his roommate. "Anika, Quinn and Lia." Chad told his roommate and Ethan went to say how sorry he was. "Stay the fuck back." Mindy told the boy who backed away from her. 

Sam watched as detective bailey came out of the appartment holding the girl they all thought was dead. Tara saw this too and ran over to them pulling her girlfriend into a hug. "I thought you were dead." Tara says to her girlfriend. "So did I." Lia tells her pulling Tara even closer. "I'm really sorry about Quinn." Tara says to detective bailey. who nods his head crying as he talks to them "Both my kids are gone. my whole family is gone."

"They took me off the case but i'm not gonna stop till I find them, you fuck with my family, you die." as he says this Lia looked a bit scared of the man, not liking the way he said that last sentence. To make things even worse for her Gale came running up to them. "Hey, I came as soon as I heard."

"Gale I swear to god!" Sam says and Gale cuts her off. "I'm here for whatever you need." Gale told the girls and Lia was about to charge at Gale when her girlfriend and Sam held her back. "You fucking bitch! You're only here because you want to write a fucking book about this shit!" Lia yelled at Gale but Tara took her away from Gale to try and calm her down. 

"Lia just calm down, your anger towards Gale isn't gonna help any of us." Tara said holding her girlfriends hands, trying to bring the girl some comfort. "It's my fault." Lia said crying. "I let her die, Anika is dead and it is my fault."

Tara shook her head as she pulled her girlfriend into a tight hug. "You did everything you could. You couldn't have done anything to stop this." Tara whispered in Lia's ear. "If I had held that door a minute longer my best friend would still be alive." Lia said sobbing as Tara softly strokes her hair. "But you wouldn't be, you let everyone of them go before you. So don't beat yourself up about this as it's not your fault."

Tara let go of Lia when she knew the girl had calmed down and they went up to the others as they discussed their next move. Lia walked away from the group to go closer to the building looking into a window. "It's nice to see you're still alive, sis." Amber said as she appeared on the window. "Why do I keep seeing you, why is my mind so messed up?" Lia asked herself as she keeps seeing Amber everywhere she goes, the voice that keeps repeating itself to her. "Because you need me, it's the only way you'll survive this." Amber told her twin sister.

Lia turned around when she saw someone appear in the window besides her. "What are you doing over here, you okay?" Sam asked the girl. "I'm fine, I guess my mind is just fucked up." Sam put her arm around the younger girl and Lia looked back once again to see that her sister had dissapeared and the two went back to the group.

After agreeing on a plan, they decided that they were going to this place Gale found and they would make a quick first stop to pick up Brooke as Lia insisted on it.


The group walked into the place that Gale wanted to show them. "What is this place and what's with all the security?" Sam asked Gale who was turning the light on. "This certainly isn't a creepy place, like at all." Lia said before they all started looking around the theatre. There were drawings, knifes, clothes and a lot more stuff from the ghostface murders. 

"They got the whole damn franchise." Mindy said looking around her going over to the stuff of her uncle Randy as Tara and Lia went over to Kirby who was looking at a bloody knife. "Is that?" Tara carefully asked Kirby. "The knife I was stabbed with." As she said that Lia walked around a bit more finding what she was looking for. 

It was her sister, well drawings of her sister. They weren't like any of the others though. Amber looked perfect in them, she wasn't dressed as ghostface or had any wounds. There was even one of them together , the two sisters laughing with eachother, Lia on Ambers back. Lia remembered that day, they went to the beach with the whole friendgroup. It was a special day especially to Lia as that was the day she had asked Tara out. Tears fell down her cheek as she look at the drawings when she feels a hand on her shoulder. "The sick fuck even had a picture of you, now that's creepy." Brooke said and Lia nodded. The girls walked over to the place where the mannequins are without the masks. Lia couldn't help but walk over to the one that belonged to her sister. 

The girl looked at it putting her hand on the black robe. "You still love her, don't you?" Tara asked her girlfriend as she went to stand next to her looking at the robe of her ex best friend. "I will always love her, no matter what she is my sister." Lia told her girlfriend as the other watched how Ethan reacted to the couple. "How can you still love her after she tried to manipulate you?" Ethan asked the girl who didn't understand where this was all coming from. "Because she wasn't always like that." Lia answered the boy looking down at the ground. "My sister was my best friend, she was there for me when no one else was. She was always caring and looking out for me, no one else would have done what she did for me. So yeah I love her Ethan, That won't go away, ever." 

Lia looked at the others to see a few different looks, Mindy and Chad looked rather mad and irritated because they were so hurt by Amber. Tara, Brooke and Sam looked sad as they know the girl never talks about her sister because it is such a tough subject. Gale and Kirby looked like they felt bad for the girl. lastly ethan and bailey they looked like they didn't care. 

"fucking hell, can we move on. So someone killed these sick fucks and what now took over or some shit." Lia said trying to get out of this situation as soon as possible. "Someone who believes Sam was the master minds in woodboro." Gale says as Lia looks her way getting angry again, the girl really doesn't like Gale one bit. "Maybe your the killer, huh. You weren't at the appartment neither did anyone find this place, but somehow Gale weathers did. So tell me Gale, how the fuck do you know so much?" Lia asked Gale but before Gale had the time to answer her Mindy spoke up. "Who says you're not the killer, you've been there before. You dissapeared and hours later reappeared after Sams therapist is found dead. You survived the appartment attack, nobody even knows how the fuck you did it. So why are you killing again Lia?" 

Lia shakes her head before storming away from the others not believing they still think she would kill, for what fun, revenge, fame? Brooke turned to Tara realizing she isn't going to do anything. Brooke let's out a scoff as she looks at the four who were supposed to be her friends. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys? How can you guys treat her so badly?" The four didn't dare look at her. "Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks it's her." Mindy says looking around the group. Instead of saying anything else Brooke went looking for her best friend.

"There you are, luv." Brooke sits down next to Lia who had obviously been crying. "They're just assholes, don't let what they say get to you."Brooke wipes away Lia's tears pulling the girl into a thight hug. "They all think i'm the killer, I would never hurt Anika. She was my friend, one of the best I could have ever wished for." Lia said sobbing into her roommates shoulder. "I'm not even their friend anymore, I never was after the attacks back in woodsboro. It's all about the core four now."

"Maybe it doesn't matter what they think. It's you and me, Lee. We don't have to let them control us, so let them think you're the killer, we both know you aren't." Brooke tells Lia grabbing a hold of one of her hands. "I bet you Mindy is the killer herself, putting up her best act accusing you. It's always the love interest, isn't it?" Lia seemed to get what Brooke was saying now seeing it too. "She was the one pointing fingers at me, she has been giving me dirty looks for months. Oh, i'm gonna kill that bitch myself if she hurt Anika." 

"How about we put up our own little act, huh? What you say, we trick them in their own game, find the killer and stop them ourself. " Brooke suggested and Lia nodded her head. "Sounds like it's you and me." Lia held up her pinky and Brooke connected their pinkies together. "It's you and me, Lee." 

"All we gotta do now is act sad and dumb, just go along with them."

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