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Five years later

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Five years later..

A life can change a lot in five years, you can have a different live, a completely different way to live, maybe others projects that you thought you would never had before.

Riki still think about five years ago, but he never gave up, he stayed strong, had another perspective on life, he made all these decisions always thinking about his first love and what she would have decided if she was still alive.

Losing the love of his life didn't make him bad, no, it made him a good man, softer and more concerned about the importance of life.

He is now twenty two years old and he learned a lot this past five years. He went to the university, did good studies and used his money wisely.

Of course, it's rare to keep in touch with friends from high school when you're all going your separate ways for studies.

Riki still think about his best friends from high school even tho he made himself a new friend.

He's taking a coffee with him in a starbucks before they both go to their work places.

"The girl at the club yesterday can't stop sending me messages." Jay laughed looking at his 34 notifications.

"Oh I think she's into you." Riki said before sipping his coffee.

Yes, Jay and Riki became friends with time, they spend their free time together. When jay admitted to his friend that he didn't like him at the beginning, Riki made fun of him for that for so long.

They both love the same person and that made them close with time.

"I think her friend is also into you."

Riki sighed and turned off his phone cause he was tired of that girl he met at the club, she also couldn't stop sending him messages.

Jay and him went to the club and met two girls named Yunwon and Eunmi. Jay actually liked that pretty Yunwon he met but it was different for Riki.

"I won't blame you if you finally move on and have another love story, Riki."

"I don't want to move on, i'm not ready to love another girl even after five years, i still miss Kaya."

"You know it, you still miss your sister too." Riki continued to explain to Jay.

And Jay was the only person that could understand his pain as he missed his sister more than anything.

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