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" Well, thank you for the compliment. " You reply. " Oh, Y/n. I've finished practice, Kunigami and Chigiri already headed home. So, lets? " He invites.

He looks at the female coach. " See ya, Ria. " He waves as she waves back.

You both grab your things from the bench and walked.

You stood silence the whole walk home and Isagi was itching to know why.

He looked at your face a few times and you even realised he was staring at you the whole time.

As soon as you reached your house's front door you finally spoke. " What? " You face him. " Nothing. " He replies. " Isagi, you've been staring at me the whole time. What is it? " You say.

He looks down on the floor. " You were ignoring me. What's up? " He says, looking at you.

You groan and walked in the house.

" Y/n. " He asks again, putting his coat on the coat rack. " I'm okay, what else do you need? " You say, laying flat on the sofa and turning on the TV.

He sits by you. " Love, what's wrong. " After a minute of silence you finally looked at him. " Have you met a person named Kaiser. "

He goes silent before looking back at you. " Where did you meet him? " He asks. " Just by the convenience store. " He lays back and sighs deeply, rubbing his forehead. He sat back up and looked at you. " What'd he tell you? Did he threaten you? Say anything about me that is so not true? " He asks.

You stutter before you say anything. " He did say something about you. " You say to him causing him to widen his eyes. " What'd he say. " He questions. You look at him as he looked you dead in the eye and you knew he was serious about this Kaiser guy.

" It's fine if you don't want to tell me. Just.. " He stops and stood up. " Tell me when you're a lot more comfortable. Okay? " He says, massaging his forehead and walks upstairs.

You instantly felt bad and thought : What did I say to make him feel that way? Did I say something wrong?

You shook your head and thought positively. Maybe he's just tired from hearing about this Kaiser dude or soccer practice.

You smiled as you sweat, dizzy at the same time.

You lay sideways on the sofa and turned on the TV, pressing buttons to make the volume louder so it could help you release those negative thoughts.

You closed your eyes slowly, feeling tired and lazy to even think about what made Isagi "mad".

You just thought, sleep it off and you'll be fine.


" Babe? " You slowly open your eyes to see Isagi, poking you as his face shows slight worry.

You stood up and saw Isagi brought a bowl of hot mushroom soup. You point at it feeling confused. He looks at it and looks at you. " For you. " He smiles awkwardly.

You smile at him. " I hope it doesn't taste bad. " You laugh at him. " I'm sure your cooking skills are just the same level as mine. " Only you think like that. " You chuckle at him.

He gives you the bowl and sat beside you. You took the spoon and before it enters your mouth, you looked at Isagi. " Do you want some? " You ask. He shakes his head. " Watching you eat is more than enough. " You smiled and ate the soup.


After eating the soup you stood up to put the dirty bowl in the sink, Isagi stood up immediately as soon as you did.

" What is it? " You say, turning your head. " Uh. Give it to me, I'll wash it. " You hand him the dirty bowl and he took it, walking towards the kitchen and washing it.

You sat back down on the sofa and as soon as he was done washing the bowl and any extra dishes, he came back and sat down beside you.

You focused on the TV but could feel his stare. You looked at Isagi with him tightening his eyebrows, examining your face or some what.

" What do you actually want, Isagi. " You finally say, tired of him staring at you for no reason.

He sighs and finally sits up, looking at your face. He falls low again and groans. " What did Kaiser tell you. " He says, shifting his eyes from the floor to you.

You smile at him. " Thank god you finally asked. I thought you'd never. " You respond. " You were waiting for me to ask you that? " He says confused. " Of course. No wonder you were so bothered. " You chuckle.

" Alright, alright. But seriously, what did he tell you. " He says, restlessly.

You look at the ceiling, trying to remember what Kaiser said despite the words started to repeat in your head a million times before.

" Oh! " You remember and look back at Isagi as he tightens his eyebrows. " He told me that you had another someone behind my back. " You tilt your head, looking at him.

He looks disappointed. " God. " He covers his face with his hands. He uncovers his face and looks at you. " Please don't take whatever lie he spits about me. You can't trust him fully. " He says.

You try to take in his words as you nod slowly. " Oh and if you stumble upon him ever again, you can tell me. " He says, standing up from the sofa and taking his phone out of his pockets.

He presses on the screen and smiles at you before walking somewhere else, making a call.

You turn your body looking at him before focusing back on the TV.


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