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Hello! This book will have a female reader.

Daichi, your boyfriend, is 18 while you're 15, almost 16. Your father arranged the relationship and he planned on getting you both married when you're old enough.

There will be angst, abuse, self-harm, etc.

You're a 1st year at UA, and Katsuki Bakugou is your boyfriend.

Requests for other books are open!

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(H/c) = Hair color
(S/c) = Skin color
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/c) = Favorite color

'Hey' is thinking
"Hey" is dialog
"Hey" is lyrics


"Sensei, it's nothing really! It's just from a nosebleed I got a while ago," you tried to reason with Aizawa.

"You didn't have blood on your sleeves when you came in here and I didn't see you get a nosebleed"

"It happened while you weren't looking"

"If there's nothing to worry about then I assume it'll be fine if I see your arms"

"Oh! Look, it's the bell, better go to class!"

He wrapped you in his capture weapon.

"(L/n), I need to check for self-harm. If you are then I'll help you, alright?"

You sigh, "I'm not self harming, so there's no need!"

You didn't care at the fact that he would see your self harm, it's the fact he would see the bruises and marks your boyfriend left on your arms.

He lets out a sigh, "(L/n), please, I don't want to do it myself."

"Then you don't need to! Just let me go, " I say.

"Last chance before I do it myself"

'Shit, he's gonna find out' you think.

"You can't force me"

"I don't want to force you, but if it's for your own good, then I must."

"Just know that everything's going to be okay, I'm not going to tell anyone without your permission," He says.

"Fine" You give in.

"Thank you" He says and steps closer, holding your right arm and looks up.

You nod, and look away while he lifts up the sleeve.

'He's gonna kill me if he finds out,' you think.

"Who" He says.


"Who did this?"

"It's from training"

He raises his eyebrow, "This doesn't look like it's from training"

You shrug, "I don't know"

"You know that I can clearly see the bruises and cuts on your face?"

'What? I covered them up this morning, how does he see it?'


You look up at him.

"Who did it?"

"No one"

"(L/n)." He says a bit louder.

"I can't"

"Why not?"


He sighs.

"I want to help you, so please let me"

"You can't help me"

"I'll try my best"

"You'll end up getting hurt"

"That's the consequences of being a hero"

"You don't understand!"

"If you tell me I might"

"He'll kill you and me"


"Not telling"

He sighs.

"Just let me leave" You say.

"What would you do if you were my sensei and I was the kid in this situation?"

"The same thing you're doing"

"So let me help you"

"How could you help me?"

"I'll help you with quitting self harm and the situation you're in"

"That sounds impossible"

"It isn't until you try"


He says and lifts his sleeves, revealing self harm scars.

"I quit too, it was hard but you can too. Also could I see your other arm?"

"Fine, but I'm not going to a hospital." You said and stretched your left arm towards him.

(The ones on your right arm weren't that bad, but the ones on your left were worse because your right arm is your dominant arm)

"Fine, but I'm going to patch you up"


He lifts the sleeve up and his eyes widen.

(If you're wondering how deep it is, basically you can see the muscle, it's guaranteed you'll need stitches)

"Come" He says.

"Where are we going?"

"Do you want recovery girl to help with your wounds or me?"

"Uhm, you"

"Okay, follow me, we're going to my apartment"

"You sure?"

"I wouldn't have suggested if I wasn't."

"Okay," you say as you step into the car.

"Are you going to stitch them?"

"Most likely yes, if I didn't they'll just get worse" He answers.

You huff.

"Isn't there school?"

"I excused both of us for the day"

"K, do you mind if I ask about your scars?"

"I don't mind" He said.

"Why did you do it?"

"I met a friend in the first year of UA, me, present Mic, and him, Oboro, were really close. One day, me and Oboro were on a work study mission. A villain attacked a nursery school, Oboro managed to save some kids with his cloud quirk. Then, a piece of debris fell on his head and he died. Self harming was a way I coped with his death."

"Sorry for your loss"

"Thanks, now could I ask a question?"


"Who did it?"

"Ugh, you're so stubborn"

"I won't stop until you tell me"

"Fine, it's my boyfriend"

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I mean it wasn't my choice, my father organized everything"

"Does your father know that he's doing this?"


"Why don't you break up with him?"

"My father will uh"

"Will what?"

"Disown me"

"If you want you could stay at my apartment for a bit"

"No, it's fine really"

"We'll talk about that later, come on" He says as he parks and gets out of the car.


Words used: 794

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