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TW: Self harm

You go to your room and change into your pajamas. Sadly, you realize they took the blade in your phone case and you sigh. 'Wait there's probably knifes in the kitchen!' You head to the kitchen, opening the knife drawer looking for a small knife. There's a small kitchen knife and you bring it to your bathroom. You take a deep breath and promise yourself that you're not going to do much just one.

'Just one, so make the most out of it' You grab the knife and pull it across your skin slowly so that it hurts more. You sigh happily, 'one more won't hurt right? Yeah just one more' and the cycle went on. You gasp when you see the blood flowing faster than before, you probably hit a vein or something.

'Shit' you thought as you grab a bunch of paper towels and press it against the wound. You waited a few minutes but blood was still flowing, just a bit slower. Opening your phone you searched up "What to do if you hit a vein" It said to add ice so you tiptoed in the kitchen and grabbed ice, placing it on the cut. After a while, the blood finally stopped and you put a bandage on it. 'A bandage always helps doesn't it?'

You wash the knife in the bathroom faucet and put it in the drawer next to the first aid kit. Finally, you head to bed, all relaxed. You keep tossing and turning but you couldn't sleep so you decide on sitting outside the balcony. The stars were gleaming tonight, there were so many. After a while your eyes started closing.

"(-n)! (Y/n)!" You hear someone say.

"Hm?" You say opening your eyes, adjusting to the light.

"Why are you out here?" Shota asks.

"Couldn't sleep so went out here, guess I fell asleep here"

"You could catch a cold, be careful"

"Sorry" You say and he was about to answer when Hizashi yelled.


"One second." Shota says and goes to the kitchen.

You hear them say, "No I haven't used that one since a week ago"

Finally, you realize they were talking about the knife you used last night, your eyes widened.

"That's weird it's probably in the dishwasher then"

He says checking the dishwasher, "it's not here Shotaaaa, that was my favorite knife"

You felt bad that you ruined Hizashi's favorite knife, you'd get him a new one later.

"I don't know what happened to it Hizashi, I don't think the cats did anything"

"Shota what if-"

You quickly rushed to the bathroom, locking the door, hoping they didn't realize.

"(Y/n)! Could you come here for a second?"

"I'm in the bathroom!" You shout pulling your hair.

'Stupid (Y/n), they found out, you promised them you wouldn't do it again'

You slowly unlock the door, walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah?" You tried your best to not be awkward.

"Have you seen a small knife? Its yellow and black" Hizashi questions.


"You probably just lost it Hizashi" Shota sends a look to Hizashi which you didn't understand.

"Yeah, anyways I'm almost done making omelets, you both can sit down.

"K" you answered.

After Hizashi brought the omelets you said Itadakimasu and started eating. Shota and Hizashi were sending each other glances.

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