Hickey pt 2

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" Christopher Owen Sturniolo "

He then looked at me a bit scared.

" what did I do "

" what do you mean what did you do. You gave me like 4 hickeys "

He then smiled

" Oh well "

" oh my god... anyways I'm going downstairs do you want anything "

I had asked Chris

" pepis "

He said while smiling so he was showing his teeth.

" alright, I'll be back in a few "

" alright love you "

" love you too "

I then headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge grabbing a pepis. Then putting it down on the counter.

Soon Matt and Nick walked in.

" hey y/n "

They said as they walked in and seen me. I looked in the fridge for what they had to drink and end up picking *whatever you want*. I then turned around.

Nick and Matt was sitting at the island. Matt then looked up as u shut the door to the fridge. He looked at me looked down then back up at me.

I noticed he was looking at me weird.

" what "

I said as I opened my drink then taking a drink out of it.

" is that a hickey on your neck

Once Matt had said that Nick looked up looking at my neck as well.

" yeah, thanks to your fucking brother "

Nick and Matt looked at eachother for a few seconds. Then a smile showed up on their faces. I then look at them confused as I closed the lid of my drink.

They both then ran to chris's room.

" oh my god "

I said as I grabbed Chris's drink then walking to his room. When I got there Nick and Matt was in there as expected.
They were teasing Chris about him giving me a hickey.

I then walked over to Chris handing him his drink. I then turned to Nick and Matt.

" out you two "

I had said in a serious voice yet trying not to laugh. Once I said that they then walked out and I climbed into bed next to him. Soon falling asleep.


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