Chapter 13

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It's been a few weeks now, you've barely come out of Bucky's room, let alone slept, eaten or anything else for that matter. You've been in Bucky's room all day and it's just gone 3pm. Bucky had gone downstairs to do some laundry. You look to the plates full of food you haven't eaten, then to the door. Your hair is in a messy bun, same as the rest of the week. You where planning on staying in bed all day, same as you've done for that last few days. You haven't even been out to see everyone. But you hear everyone laughing and a heat fills your face. You can't tell if it jealousy, from everyone but you being happy, or if it's a reminder of the party. Your dad is still mad, but he's speaking to you again, trying to get you out of your room. Bucky hasn't told anyone however you think Wanda and Nat have started to catch on that something isn't right.

You are wearing one of Bucky's hoody's and a pare of his joggers. It's atleast 30°c outside but you don't want anyone to see your scars. You get up and put on your slippers. You head to the door. You hesitate for a minute but eventually build up the confidence to open it.

The second you step outside you start to breathe heavily. But you keep pushing on anyways. You hit the stairs which lead straight from the rooms to the main room, where everyone is. You open the door, which is at the top of the stairs, and step out. You hear everyone stop talking and see them look up at you. You head down and sit next to Nat, who hugs you and doesn't let go.

"We've missed you! Why haven't you been down?" Peter asks.
"I've just not been feeling good.." you reply putting your hood up and curling up.

Everyone sort of looks around, confused. Bucky walks in and sits next to you, taking you from Nat. Your dad follows in right after.

"You've finally decided to join us then??" Your dad asks. You hold on to Bucky just a tiny bit tighter. He realises that you feel uncomfortable with how your dads been acting and he just snaps.

"What the fuck is wrong with you??" Bucky asks. Your dad stares at him for a minute everyone else just watching the fight unfold.

"What did you just say to me?" Your dad asks.
"I asked what the fuck is wrong with you?? She's been upstairs for weeks. She hasn't been down in three days, you KNOW she has barely touched her food and she's avoided you ever since the party! Can't you tell that something happened?!?!" Bucky shouts at him now stood up.

When you hear him mention the party you shoot up looking at him.

"You trying to say this is my fault?" Your dad asks.
"No Tony. I am saying that maybe you should show a little bit of compassion!" Bucky reply's.
"Oh like she did to Evan??" Your dad reply's.
Bucky starts going towards your dad and your dad starts going for Bucky, but Nat and Steve hold each of them back. "Walk it off. Walk it off!!" Nat says pushing your dad out the front door. You get up and run off. Not to Bucky's room but to the back field, to a tree, the one that your mum and you used to go to when you where younger. You slouch under the tree and light a cigarette.

"You know those things are bad for you." Yelena says walking towards you.
"I know.." you say flicking the ash.
"I know what happened at the party.." Yelena says.
You look at her abruptly.
"Don't worry, Bucky didn't tell me, it wasn't hard to figure out." She says.
"I- how did you.."
"Like I said it wasn't hard. The joggers and hoody in this heat, the no eating, the not leaving your room, Bucky's getting mad at Evans name-"
You look at her panicked.
"Sorry... I just.. I just want to know if your ok.."
"I'm fine." You say ubruptly.
"No your not. And I know your not. Nat knows Wanda knows. It's not long until they figure it out two."
"I know I know.. I just want it to all go away you know?" You say, now sobbing.
"I know, I know to well.." she says, hugging you.

"Why don't we head back inside before you over heat, we can't stay here forever.." she says, starting to get up. "Oh and don't worry, I won't tell anyone you smoke.. or anything else."

You guys walk inside, and almost everyone has gone to there rooms except Bucky, (which at the time you didn't notice but your dad had punched his eye where a bruise was now forming) Wanda, Nat, Carol, and Pepper. There all looking at both of you, one thing Bucky had noticed is that all men at the moment are scaring you, except him.

"They figured it out..." Bucky says looking at you, tears in his eyes. "I had a feeling.." you say looking down. Pepper rushes to you and hugs you. She holds you tight enough to stop your breathing. "I can't breath.." you say to Pepper. She lets go "sorry...".
"Why didn't you tell us?" Nat asks looking at you, with teary eyes. "I didn't want to drag you guys into it all..." you say fiddling with your fingers.

After sitting, explaining, and lots of hugs and apologies, you head upstairs. Bucky puts the shower on for you and you sit on the bed. He walks in to the room from the bathroom and sits next to you. "Hey, what's wrong?" He says looking at you teary eyes, using his hand to softly move your head to look at him. "They all know..." you say clinging on to him tight. "It's ok, they can help you two..." he says hugging you back.

After your shower you guys head to bed and fall asleep, only to be woken up by Wanda sitting in the end of the bed.

"Wanda?" Bucky says waking you up fully. She sits on the end of the bed...

"I spoke to the girls. They agree not to tell your dad, so long as when your ready, you go to the cops about it.." she says. You look at Bucky's then back at Wanda. "I.. I can't tell the cops.. he'll end me.." you say. "You really think we are going to let that happen?" Wanda says. "Yeah, baby no one's going to come any where near you.. ever again.." Bucky says.

After some reassurances you agree and head back to sleep.

The next morning you wake up and Bucky convinces you to go down for breakfast. Bucky sits one side of you and Carol the other. Bucky holds your hand under the table and Carol keeps smiling at you. "Just eat what you can." She whispers in your ear. You smile at her and take a pancake, some bacon, and some syrup. Bucky smiles when he realises you age the whole thing. "Good job!" He says in your ear, killing your cheek. You, Bucky, Nat, Carol and Yelena spend the day watching movies, whilst Wanda sits reading in the corner. And for once you actually feel some what like a person again.

A/n: just realised the ending sounds like the end of the story, I can assure you it isn't haha, but I do have fun writing these, and if you have any suggestions please do comment then at any point! And thank you all so much for 3k reads!! It means a lot! Love you all <3

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