In the begining there was hate

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I was never one to get into a fight with anyone, hell I hated the idea of fighting period. Sadly that's what started all of this though, some bitch in my sophomore class had to attack me and get me kicked out of the school. Me. Of course she got off free,  she the principles daughter she could never do anything wrong. So here I am infront of a new school across town from the other one, at least this one was within walking distance and people I knew since dippers are here to.
"Juniper!" I turned facing where the voice calling me came from, of course my best friend Emily,  basic name I know but she was actually really nice she had dirty blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin she came up to my nose when we were side by side she was on the skinny side the complete opposite of me. I had dark brown hair with brown eyes tan-ish skin, my cheeks forever a pinkish tint staned on the due to Rosetta, I was on the chubber side. We embraced eachother it had been years since we've seen the other.
"What are you doing here"
"I go here now" I smiled "surprise"
She squealed like a kid in a toy store.
"Come Chelsea is going to flip!" She dragged me fully into the school looking for the third member of our original trio, me Chelsea and Emily have know eachother since pre-school and since than we were inseparable or, we thought so at least.
"Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea look who gose here now!"
"Juniper!" She hugged me though the hight difference was impeccable she came up to my mid waist, she had always been the smallest kid in school, adorned with black hair and brown eyes she had a light bage skin tone.
"Girl there's so much you've missed out on come I'll introduce you to the group" She started introducing me to the few friend group they had acquired sid, page also known as panda, Nick, and him, God why did I have to meet him we wouldn't be here right now if I never met him, William. Back than tho he went by koda, he was still looking for the right preferred name before settling on William our Jr. Year. He was tall, brown with blond highlights, blue eyes, pale skin, with short lengthed hair.
"You just look annoying"he muttered
"Koda do you have to be a dick to everyone we introduce you to" Emily complained giving him the notorious mom look she would give anyone doing something stupid.
"Well I take annoying as a compliment so thank you asshole"
His gaze hardened like he was pin pointing where he wanted to stab me first. Luckily before he could do anything the bell rang.

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