Chapter 22: Monica Monica Monica

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"Diamond like g shit, I ain't tryna catch feelings. I told you from the beginning ain't no feelings involved." I snapped back at Diamond. This female had the audacity to go through my phone man! MY phone outta all the phones in the world. Chick done broke her own heart. "Get out RJ." She whispered.

I grabbed all my stuff that I brought and left. Who the hell she think she is? I ain't married! Ain't no such thing as faithful. Everybody a heart breaker. If you feel like somebody fina be faithful to you, you must have some bomb as pussy, or give some good ass head cause bruh. If a person feel like they need better they gone go get it.

What females fail to realize is that studs and men are not fully satisfied with just one. One might have or can do something that the other don't have or can't do. They also fail to realize that you can't force nobody to be faithful. If a bih fall in love then they'll be faithful. As you can see I said IN LOVE. Some people just say I love you just to get in some draws. But if a person shows love and says I love you, and the feelings are really there that's when they're faithful.

I mean don't get me wrong, a female can find someone faithful but it's gonna be hard. The faithful ones probably boo'd up with somebody that's unfaithful. Or faithful people don't exist. Ima go with the second choice cause look at me. I'm RJ and ion give not one flying fuck bout nobody feelings!

I broke my thoughts as I looked from left to right tryna find Harmonys house. I kept driving by this big ass house that's nearly made of glass. Instead of driving more to find the house I stopped at that house to see who the hell lives there and to ask where Harmony live.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come answer. I was getting impatient when this fine ass girl opened the door. I screamed hallelujah! In my head. I put that, you know, that boyish charm on and was fina sweep her off her feet. She looked at me and laughed. Well Damn.

"Haaaarmony! Some pervert at the door!" She said walking back into the house. "Aye watch your mouth lil woe!" I said walking in the big ass house looking around. Harmony emerged from upstairs and shook my hand.

"Bruh this house bomb asf! Where my niece niece at?" I asked looking around the house for Riley. I ain't see her no where. "She at daycare. I had to come home and do my job so we can get the house right for Riley surprise party. Today her 5th birthday." Harmony informed me.

"Why you ain't tell me that? I could've got her a present! What she like?" I asked in annoyance. "She like Dora. And my bad bruh. One more thing though at 5 you can go pick her up from daycare so we can get this together." Harmony said. I nodded my head and told her I'm going to the store for niece niece then I left.


As soon as I shut the door behind RJ, me and Monica got back to work. "So Monica what have you done to change the way you've been feeling?" I asked her. "Well. There is some one and I have been occupying my time." She said in a sexy tone. Mh.

I smirked and then 30 minutes later we finished our session. We ate some snacks then went out back to set up for the party. I sent out about 45 invitations. Mostly to kids at her daycare since we don't have family. Of course I invited Monica and her baby.

While Monica put up all the Dora decorations I lit up the grill and pulled out more chairs. After the fire in the grill died dyed down I placed the seasoned ribs on the grill then let them cook. I stood back and watched Monica as her ass jiggled while she stood on a step stool hanging up a happy birthday sign. My whole body got caught and I couldn't move. I ain't even notice she got down.

"Like what you see perve?" She laughed then softly patted my cheek. I followed her in the house and she seasoned some more meat while I fixed up the candy bags and the prizes for the games. I looked over at her and was amazed at how good she look. Wow. Bruuuuuhh.

"Harmony stop staring at me and go get dressed. I got all this." She said chuckling. I smiled at her then went upstairs to shower. I got under that shower faucet and boy did that water feel great! I lathered my body with my axe body wash and made sure I hit every spot. I had to smell fresh for Monica. Ya know?

When I got out I walked into my room and Monica was sitting on the bed. "Wussup ma?" I asked. I had already put my sports bra and boxers on in the bathroom so I ain't have to feel awkward. She looked up at me and had tears in her eyes. She threw her phone down, ran over to me, and jumped in my arms.

I ain't know what the hell to do until she kissed me. Lawd why she did that? She kissed me like this would be the last kiss that she would ever endure. I made it my job to make it the best kiss she has ever had, so I deepened it with everything in me. Boy was it heated.

I walk us back over to my king size and laid her back on it not breaking the kiss at all. When I say she was Loving it? Bruuuh she was loving it! She started to take off her shirt and all. Hell I helped I aint had none in a while I think I forgot what it taste like..... Naaaaaw.

I finally broke the kiss and moved down to her neck. She moaned as I sucked on it leaving small redish purple hickies. I stopped for like five seconds while she finished getting undressed then laid her back down and continued my work. I rubbed my hand down her stomach to her hot spot.

I rubbed her clit slowly while still suckin on her neck. Then I moved down to her breast giving them both attention still rubbing her. The feeling must've ignited her cause she was moaning louder. I was loving the looks on her face it made me feel like I was doing my job right. I stuck two fingers in her and her body jerked. Guess she wasn't ready. I had a rhythm going and she aint let me stop.
I finally got to point of stopping and trailed kisses down her stomach and stopped. "Harmony stop playing." She whispered as she squirmed in my grip. I got off the bed and pulled her by her hips to the edge. I got down on my knees and did was I was supposed to do. She was screaming Harmony like a champ! Soon her body started vibrating and she was outta breath. I stuck two fingers back in while I sucked on her clit some more till she came.

I guess I kinda did forget what it taste like cause I ain't never taste none like that! I crawled back up to her and kissed her some more. She smiled in the kiss then we both jumped at the doorbell. I put some gym shorts on and ran downstairs to the door.

"What the hell y'all in here doing? I been ringing this doorbell for 10 minutes now. Oh wait. Y'all was fuckin!!!" Rj screamed in excitement. "Tell me was it good? It was good bruh?" She asked. I looked back to see if Monica was around but she wasn't. I nodded my head and was bout to give her dap till she saw that my fingers we're still wet.

"Ew, nigguh go wash your nasty hands!" She laughed. I left her there, washed my hands, and she took the gifts she brought out back them came back I'm as soon as Monica came back down. She wore one of my big shirts with her underwear underneath. I looked over at Rj who was already looking at me and we both burst out laughing.

"Y'all some perves. Harmony I'll be back I'm fina go home and change and stuff. I still gotta pick up Montrey and a gift for Riley." She said then she grabbed her purse, keys, and phone. She gave me a kiss then left. "Bruh yall nasty. I can't believe my virgin eyes witnessed you eye fuckin a female eewwww!" Rj said as we switched the meat on the grill. "Shut up and mind your own business!" I laughed.

-Monica & Harmony Boom!

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