Chapter 1: The Storm

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I didn't know why I was running, and I hardly knew where I was. All I knew was that I couldn't stop. I had to keep the package safe. I didn't know what was in the package or where it needed to go, though I had played with the idea of opening it a few times. The only reason I haven't yet was that I figured there had to be a reason it was sealed, and I didn't want to risk learning the reason the hard way.

    But right now, I didn't have time to think about it. Lightning danced across the sky as thunder crashed and rain poured down, soaking my pelt. There were no towns nearby, at least as far as I was aware, so I was rushing to the cover of the forest in the distance. I figured that I would be safer in the woods than out in the field, given my two pursuers.

The first of the two, a Dachsbun named Marvin, was definitely the better of the two when it came to tracking, but has always failed to sneak up on me, due to how he always smells of fresh bread. The second pursuer, a Liepard named Aubree, is much more competent when it comes to stealth, but so far I have eluded them both.

With the storm, however, the Dachsbun's scent would be washed away, and the Liepard would likely have an easier time concealing herself. I hadn't seen either of them in a while, so I assumed that I had lost them as I entered the forest. As I walked through the woods, I heard the shaking of a branch above me, and a bush behind me began to rustle.

To my dismay, it was Aubree and Marvin.

Aubree leapt down from a branch and landed in front of me. "We got you now, Jolteon."

"You may as well hand the parcel over now, save yourself the trouble of battling." Marvin added, stepping out from the bushes.

"It's raining cats and dogs today, shouldn't you be inside?" I asked. "Wouldn't want to catch a cold."

    "Cut the small talk and give us the package." Aubree said.

    "And if I don't?" I replied.

    "Then you will learn what happens when you cross Mad Dog Marvin and Aubree the Sly." Marvin answered.

    "That's the best you could come up with? And I'm sure you've heard the saying about lighting."

    "What saying?" Marvin asked.

    "Lightning doesn't strike twice, or it comes before the thunder?" Aubree asked.

    "It makes an excellent distraction." I answered, dashing to my left.

    "You little-" Aubree shouted, her voice drowned out by thunder.

    "Get back over here!" Marvin added.

    Naturally, I did not get back over there. Instead, I kept running, weaving my way through the trees, eventually reaching another clearing on the other side of the forest.

    "Seriously, stop running! I'm warning you!" Marvin was dashing after me. "There is a-" His voice was cut off as thunder boomed once again.

    "I can't hear you!" I shouted back as I continued to run.

    "He said cliff!" Aubree yelled. "There is a cliff!"

    "A what?" I asked, unsure of what I heard thanks to the rain. "Did you say cliff or gift?"

    Lightning flashed right next to me, prompting me to run faster, their shouts drowned out by the deafening thunder.

    Then, I found the cliff, along with the most efficient way down.

    Unintentionally falling off of it.

    I wrapped myself around my bag as I fell, bracing myself for the landing as everything went dark.

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