Chapter 8: Who are you?

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Warning: use of the word prostitute.
(I do not condone the use of the word as the politically correct term would be 'sex worker' the word is used referring to times when it was used in the 1700s.
It's mentioned in the story in modern day and used in a somewhat derogatory way. I just want to put it out there that I don't think any one in the sex industry should be belittled or shamed for their line of work)
That's all thank you ❤️ enjoy the story!

"Killian" I'm almost sure he caught the quake in my voice as I say his name.

"Tell me who you are" he states, his voice as cold as ice and his stare chilling.

"My name is Y/n Corsair, I'm the sheriff of Storybroke"
I deadpan.

"Oh cut the act" he says exasperated, "You obviously know me but somehow I don't know you, so tell me, love."

"Who. Are. You." At this point I'm as pale as a sheet and frozen like a statue, unable to move due to the ice cold stare glaring at me through the bars.

"I told you all you need to know, now quiet. I have work to do", and I sit down at my desk.

I had been filling out paperwork for around half an hour or so and I can't help but ignore the intense gaze burning through my skull.
Begrudgingly, and with an ounce of regret, I glance up.

Sure enough a pair of ocean blue eyes stare straight back at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to speak?" He muses.

"You're not..." I grumble.

"Not very strict then, I see." He challenges me, waiting for me to remark. I bite my tongue.
"Or perhaps you're a rule breaker as well, you like a bit of trouble don't ya, love?"

I stay silent refusing to let him win by letting my mouth screw it all up.

"Tell me, what makes you so going of the crocodile?" He stands from the cot and leans against the bars smirking.

"Not that you need to know, but he's my employer. I'd prefer it if you didn't kill off my source of income" I say.

"Surely it's more than that, after all a beautiful lass such as your self could get a job anywhere, the local tavern perhaps.." he smirks.
Knowing exactly what he was implying.

"Unlike the ladies found in Tortuga, I prefer the modest approach and not the 'drunk prostitute who entertains the likes of pirates" I retort.

"I merely mean to say you have the looks and assets for it" he says, raising his hand.

He was checking out my assets? I thought.
Maybe he did fancy me at one point...

"Come now, Lass. Tell me the truth! Why protect the crocodile...?" I could tell he wasn't going to stop pushing until he got an acceptable answer.

"He's like a father figure to me..." I say

I could have sworn I broke the pirate with those seven simple words. His expression matched that of a broken computer with the Windows error screen.
Honestly, it was bad enough I thought he'd swallow a fly.

It took him a minute to reboot before saying in a very puzzled voice, "I can assure, the crocodile doesn't have a paternal bone in his body"

It hurt. But he was true. He had abandoned one son and took in me, a stray, just to abandon them too.

"Look, you asked, I answered. You don't have to insult me" I say, angrily walking over to the printer as I rip out a sheet and sit back at my desk.

He was puzzled, "insulted" how could I possibly be insulted by that?
The truth was It made me come to the realization that Rumple nerved really did care for me, or Bae.

Time skip two weeks later

"Odd last name don't ya think? Corsair" the pirates muses, laying in his cot staring up at the ceiling; his goal obviously to annoy me.

"Coming from the man who named himself 'Captain Hook', I'm not very insulted by my choice in name"

That earned me a glare. "You chose it then did you, too ashamed of your family name?"

"No family to give me a name...  this curse brought me here as a Jane Doe, Mr. Gold- Rumplestiltskin, found me and helped me make Storybrooke my home." I admitted.

"So you're an orphan? You'd fit in perfectly with the lost boys of Neverland, you've got spunk."

"If anything, I'm not a lost boy. I'd be a lost girl, thank you very much"

Those words... I've said them to him before, and just my luck. He recognized them.

"Say that again..." he says. I stay silent.
"Someone-, someone has said that to me before... but I, I can't remember who ..."

I felt guilty. Guilty for taking away his memories, guilty for leaving the man I loved, for taking away the fact that he had someone who cared.

But I didn't know what else to do, all I knew was how to leave, how to abandon people, the thing that hurt me the most I had done to Killian, I had to take his memories. Because I was to scared of what he'd think of me.

I reach into the drawer of my desk at the station and pull out two glasses and a bottle of liquor, pouring out the contents I walk to the cell and push one through for Killian.

Pulling up a chair in front if the cell and flipping into it.

"What Is it?" He asks, sniffing the contents.

"Rum, unless your tastes have improved" I say with a snarky tone.

"I'll have you know rum is a wonderful drink and my tastes need no improving, how do you know I like it anyways.." he says, taking a swig.

'Shit' I think. I'm going to give myself away.
"You're a pirate, figured rum was a fair guess."
He didn't fight me on that and downed the glass as if it was water. Bloody pirates...

"Who's the lucky guy?" He asks, gesturing to the hand holding my glass.
I glance down to realize he was talking about my ring, I happen to wear it on the left ring finger because it's the only one it will fit.

I could see whey he thought it was an engagement ring, after all, the  orb shaped black Diamond is fairly obvious.

I could see whey he thought it was an engagement ring, after all, the  orb shaped black Diamond is fairly obvious

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I admire the ring on my hand, the one true possession I had. For the longest time I had assumed it was just some family heirloom, after all, I had it for as long as I could remember.

Remember, that was the side effects of the curse. But now with it broken, I now knew the origin of my ring.

"No one" I respond.
"Have yet to find a guy who will put up with me" I chuckle, taking a sip.

"Who gave it to you then?" He ponders, reaching his glass forward through the bars so I could pour him more.

I go to top it up unsure how to respond.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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