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Plot: Kazuha meets Kunikuzushi when he got 'abandoned* and they go on adventures ( FLUFF!!)

This is my first story that will have some 3rd person pov so please bare with me^^

<3rd Person PoV>

'Useless', was the only word going through the purple haired boys mind while on the dirt path, all alone. He did not get up as if he had not even realized that he was on the forest ground.

Just a minute ago, the boy was in bed sleeping. Then, he woke up at Ei staring at him.

*It's so cold..* The alone boy thought as he shivered on the ground.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I being punished? Why am I not home? Where am I? Wh...Why? Why ..am I being abandoned? Before I even got a name? I swore I did everything that was told..!" The lone boy only had his mind full of questions that he would not ever be able to answer. Panicking, he put his arms on his head and curled in a ball sobbing. Why did he do that? What is this pain in his chest knowing that he was left behind? He would not know the answer to those questions either.

The leaves make sound. Now the boy was not alone. A lone samurai had wandered through the forest, somehow next to the sobbing boy. He tried not to startle him, but he stepped on a twig.

Responding to the noise, the boy on the ground attempted to stop crying and stood up, frightened.

"Is someone there?! Uhmmm.." the purple haired boy stopped mid sentence to pick up a large stick. "uhh show yourself or ill hit you!" He shouted at the shadows, pointing the stick outwards to the unknown enemy.

The leaves crunch underneath the shoes of the person guilty of startling the poor lone boy. The mysterious person was very handsome in his opinion. He had gorgeous white hair with a leaf stuck in between his hair and shining red eyes in the moonlight. The white haired boy was taller than him, but probably not older as he was a 500 y/o puppet despite only having memories for 5. (Vessel is 500, soul is 5)

"Apologies for disturbing you," the white haired boy started. " I was passing by through the forest and stumbled upon you by chance. You can call me Kazuha." He said with a smile, probably has yet to notice the tears on the other boys face.

" U-uhm.." the name-less boy sputtered out between sobs, stick lowered but still in hand. "I dont k-know what you should call me.. anything is f-fine I suppose.."

Finally realizing that the boy was crying, Kazuha makes an attempt to comfort him. Normally, he'd try his best to walk away unnoticeable incase it was a trap set up to capture him, but Kazuha for some reason felt like he would regret that decision for the rest of his life if he did abandoned him.

Kazuha slowly wrapped his arms around the boy, hopefully he knew that he was not trying to harm him.

The crying boy did not know what this warmth was, but he felt like he could trust this mysterious man, even more than his creator. He continued to cry in Kazuhas arm and sank to the floor. Kazuha was dragged to the floor with him, now having the other laying on him, crying on his chest.

Kazuha patted the nameless boys head softly for comfort. Eventually, he fell asleep tired from the crying.  Kazuha is in disbelief. Why did he go out of his way to comfort this lonely boy when he has to travel back to Liyue the very next day?

'Well, the boy does not have a name, so he probably has no one looking after him. Taking him with him to Beidous ship would be kidnapping, but the kid may be killed by the fatui if I leave him alone. Was he even a kid anyways?' Kazuha wonders. Weighing the cons of leaving him or bringing him to beidous ship, he decides to bring him along to his travels. No way the small boy would be dangerous, right?

Kazuha picks up the nameless boy bridal style, his head now in his chest.

'He looks quite adorable as of now..' Kazuha thinks but quickly shakes his head. He just met the boy, how could he catch feelings so quickly?

<Time skip to when kazuha reaches the cave that he is staying in and it's morning>

The nameless boy slowly wakes up from his slumber, rubbing his eyes.

"Ah, you're finally up?" Kazuha asks him. Startled, he backs away to where the voice came from till his back hit the wall. The white haired boy was peeling some apples, but stopped to pay attention to the frightened boy.

"You might not remember, but we met last night. Did something happened yesterday? You were crying badly." Kazuha asks the boy.

"... my creator abandoned me. She didn't even name me yet." Said the nameless boy with tears begging to fall.

"If you'd like, you can go back to her and ask for one. Although, you could give yourself one since you've came so far on your journey." Kazuha suggested.

"But then what would i name myself? The only names I've been called are puppet, vessel, useless, mistake, failure, and more i won't bother you with. I'm tired of being called those, i really am." The boy said, the tears finally escaping his eyes.

"Well, " Kazuha started, placing the bunny shaped apple slices in a basket. "about we take a stroll outside and we can come up with a name for you? Shouldn't take too long." Kazuha then got up, basket in one hand, and reached out his empty hand down to the boy still on the ground.

"In this situation, you're suppose to grab my hand."

"Oh, sorry."

<time skip 20ish minutes now at a cliff munching on apples>

"Okay.. well that's a no to the 79th name....... How about Kunikuzushi? The name is quite a stretch, but it rolls off the tongue nicely. Kuni for short."  Kazuha suggested after swallowing one of the last bunny shaped apples.

The other boys head shot up from his crouched position. Kunikuzushi. A name he didn't have to come up with himself, and a very beautiful one at that.

"I like it. I like it a lot." The once nameless boy said with a smile but now no more. He will not again be referred to as a mistake, but Kunikuzushi, and he was more than happy at that fact.


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