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All right, I've given you two day to be all depressed, so stop crying at how sad the last one was because this one is... still sad, but the one after that will be a lemon. soon the time for the pervs to come out and play, so just in enjoy.

"Soul, get up! Your goanna be late... again!" Maka called.

It wasn't unusual for Soul to get up late, but today seemed to be stretching it a bit.

Maka waited a bit for a response, when she got none she groaned and quickly finished her orange juice. She tossed her dishes in the sink and went to Soul's door and knocked.

"Soul? Helllooooo?" Maka called and when she got no response she knocked louder. Maka sighed and said, "Soul, I'm coming in," and brushed some hair out of her face before opening the door. "Soul?" she asked quietly as she peeked into the room. She stepped in and the first thing that caught her attention were the items scattered all over the ground; his clothes. She shook her head slightly.

Doesn't he ever pick up his room?

She walked over to his bed then, quietly and nervously watching and Soul tossed and turned in his bed- making strange noises ever now end then. Maka raised an eyebrow.

"Soul... You dope," she told him as she grabbed one of the pillows and tossed it at his head. Soul jumped up just as the pillow hit him.

"What's the deal, Maka? Did I sleep in or something?" Soul asked, not being serious. His mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Uh, yeah you kinda did. We need to be at school in approximately... five minutes," Maka told him, smirking. Soul's eyes widened. Soul quickly got out of bed and started messing with his drawers and taking off the blue shirt and green pajama pants he was wearing. Maka walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

"So why did you sleep in so late?" Maka asked. "What were you doing last night?" Maka asked suspiciously. A few minutes later Soul walked out, fully dressed with his hair messed up, like it usually was, with heavy bags under his eyes..

"I wasn't doing anything," Soul said, "Just couldn't sleep."

"... Oh... Well, why couldn't you sleep?" Maka asked as Soul messed with the toaster so he could eat some toast as they walked to school, but it seemed like they'd be running now.

Soul shrugged and was about to walk out the door with toast-in-mouth as he said "Well, maybe I'd sleep better if we slept together," Soul said as he smiled smugly. Maka fumed.

"Makaaaa-CHOP!" Soul crashed to the floor. "Now get your ass movin'. We're gonna be late!" Maka told him as she jogged out the door.

DWMA Classroom

"Hey, Soul! What's up bro?" Black*Star greeted before his laughter boomed throughout the room. Soul waved and sat down. Black*Star squinted at him. "Hey, what's your problem, dude? What, Maka didn't give you a kiss good-night last night or sumthin?" Maka steamed but ignored him, only allowing herself to pay attention to Tsubaki's small talk.

"Alright, alright. That's enough class. Take your seats so we can begin," Professor Stein said.

When class was over Maka was about to walk out the door when she noticed she didn't notice Soul leave yet. Maka scooped the room and laid her eyes on the one remaining student that was still at his desk, facedown, sleeping. Maka ruddily made her way over to him and leaned down to his ear.

"Soul, you idiot! Class is over!" Maka scolded through her teeth. Soul lazily lifted his head, yawned, and rubbed his eyes a bit before getting up and joining Maka to their next class.

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