Conditions of Time Leaping.

575 24 13

I usually copy dialogues from the anime but from now on I'll make their dialogues made up, for the sake of originality and is also a excuse so that I dont have to remember every dialogue and watch the anime while writing this. (I added this way before I got to the 550 word mark. So if some dialogues in that range may seem to come from the anime then this explains it)

Though Ayanokouji has made a huge impact to the original timeline by having the class learn of the true function of the S-system. Ayanokouji cant help but feel like if he changes any more, his peaceful life my come to a halt. That's why the idea of time leaping seemed to bother Ayanokouji a bit, but Ayanokouji still remains indifferent.


Timeskip to 1 month

May 1st has arrived and the class was given 50k monthly allowance due to occasional misdemeanors. But overall the class was satisfied

So we got 500 CP huh, I cant believe it was that easy to change the outcome of our 2nd month. Not only that but I think Kushida still havent suspected my skills yet.

"Congratulations everyone I just wanted to say that everyone did a good job of keeping our CP up as I noticed that fewer and fewer people started misbehaving more" Hirata announces.

The class roars in excitement and relief.

the classroom's door opens up and sensei comes in.

"Sit down everyone. I have come to announce important news"

The class stared at the front of the class with eagerness and sort of nervous expression

"Congratulations, our class has now been promoted to Class C"

The class was silent for a few seconds mostlikely from disbelief or is just confused. But I expected them to celebrate when I heard the news.

Hirata broke the silence by saying

"Sensei is that true?"

After Hirata said that, Sensei wrote something on the whiteboard.

Class A - 940 CP
Class B - 650 CP
Class C- 500 CP
Class D - 490 CP

The class finally errupts in screams and yells on what seemed like happiness to them. But Class D and our class only has a 10 CP gap. Class D can definitely reclaim their title as Class C again if we ever slip up.

"Congratulation, In all of Advanced Nurturing High School's history Class D has never been promoted to a higher class ever"

"Never?" I can hear Horikita mumble.

"But dont let your guard down. Right now only 10 CP are seperating us from Class D a simple slip up will immediately drop us down to the very bottom once again"

The class' atmosphere was once again silent, not nervous but in a more serious aura

They seem to be motivated and determined.

Time skip to Pool Scene

As usual groups have already formed

It seems I throughly failed at making friends once again


"What are you brooding about?" Horikita says

"I was immersed in a struggle with myself"

"Their acting so carefree from just a 10 CP difference over Class D and Class C."

"You dont think their just enjoying themselves from being promoted over to Class C"

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