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**TW: Smoking, guns**

I woke up to a grey morning in the middle of absolute nowhere in Russia, its just gonna be another average unexciting day like yesterday and the day before and so on. Nothing really ever happens here, but I wake up each time with a feeling of excitement , like something might just happen. Usually nothing does tho, except seeing a deer or a squirrel out in the trees, I'm usually happiest when those small things happen anyway.

I reluctantly got out of bed, it was 11.34 already. I put on my warm robe and headed down the stairs to the kitchen to boil some water while I washed my face . I heard a noise while I was in the bathroom and quickly ran to the kitchen, of course the water boiled over. I fastened my robe and finished making my coffee and cleaned up the mess I made on the stove.

I took my cup and my pack of cigarettes and stepped out on the porch. The air finally started to smell like spring again and the grass was so thick and dark green. I sat down on a big chair and opened the box in my hand, looking down at my cigarettes and a joint between them, I contemplated smoking one or the other. I decided to smoke the weed since I'll be alone here for a loooong time and no one can find out. I looked out to the sprawling scenery before me, meadows and woods for miles, nothing else in sight, birds chirping loudly and the occasional rustling of the leaves. My closest neighbour lives a good hour and a half away and I really like it that way, I am completely free here.

As I smoked I got the idea to go on a walk , barefoot, down the meadow to wherever it takes me. I went back to my room to quickly change in to my gray skirt, black cami and cardigan, I put my hair in two long blonde braids and tied them with pink ribbons as usual. It wasn't really super warm but it wasn't cold out either, the sun was scarce today, only shining through the clouds every hour or so. The morning dew was still on the grass even tho it was 12 o'clock already, I love the feeling of walking over it. I headed towards a small patch of trees, can't really call it a forest yet. I never got scared on my little walks here, I grew up exploring these places and I knew there was no one here, except the animals, and I didn't fear those.

As I was walking between the tall trees I stepped on something cold and smooth, I stopped and looked down and to my surprise it was an unused bullet, I was quite big too. I observed it curiously in my hand, it must've been my father's , no one comes around here, I thought to myself again. I continued my path towards the edge of the trees where I saw a big olive green duffle bag with a number on it. I froze for a second and quickly stepped back behind a tree. Someone was here. Thoughts raced through my mind like crazy, I had to take a deep breath. Someone is here. The noise in my head stopped as I took a few deep breaths to collect myself . I ducked down and listened to the sounds around me. A few moments passed when I started hearing some shuffling in the grass outside of the trees, my only hiding spot. I heard a man shout something and then other two male voices laughing cheerfully. They sounded....normal, really. Not old either, hopefully not dangerous. My thoughts started racing again. But why the bullet ? The bag looked like it belong to someone in the military too. I had to see more. My clothes weren't particularly fit to blend with the forest so I was aware that I might be seen if I do this, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I walked through the trees slowly, hiding behind trunks, I reached the edge and looked through the thick branches. I saw three men, about fifty meters away, one of them had a balaclava on. They're not really my age, must be over 20 but not over 30, I thought. They were setting something up, I wasn't sure what it was tho, they were quite busy and didn't notice me at all. The man with his face covered was kneeling down to another one of those bags and taking something out, suddenly something made a metal clicking noise in one of the other mans hands . I quickly turned to look and it was a gun, he wasn't pointing it to anyone, just looking at it. I admit I got scared in this moment, but the other two men didn't seem to mind it at all, I watched on. The man with the hidden face also pulled a rifle out of his bag. Okaaay I guess... they all have guns, explains the bullet, I thought to myself. They all stood together as one of them stepped forward and positioned himself to shoot. One of them lit a cigarette and looked around, awaiting his turn probably. They all looked quite pleased in the moment. Cigarette guy turned to my direction and watched, maybe for a bit too long... Shit, he sees me, I shifted a bit lower, trying to hide more, I saw him say something to the other guys, as they lowered their guns and looked.

"Hey, come out!"

"We mean no harm!"

"Are you lost?"

I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the trees "Im not lost, are you?", I shouted back so they could hear me. They looked at each other in confusion and the balaclava guy motioned to them to put the guns on the ground, and they did .

"I don't think so, no. Why?" he asked. I took a few steps forward and shouted "You're on my dad's land!". He started walking over to me as I waited there, pulling my two braids to the front , fidgeting with one between my fingers.

"We're not criminals or anything", he said as he got closer, he was at least two heads taller than me, "we thought this was no ones land, we were driving quite far to get here and there was no houses" he motioned to the place around him. "Can we talk to your father? Or we can just leave."he said, waiting for my answer. His eyes were really pretty, well they were also the only part of his face I could see, really. "No, its okay." I said, "my dad isn't here, what are you guys doing tho?"

He told me they have a YouTube channel about guns and such, I thought that was fun. "So you live out here?" he asked, curious.

"Yeah, about half an hour away, I was just on a walk and I saw your bullet and bag" I said, shifting my feet a little, I wasn't used to people here. "Yeah sorry about that" he said, scratching his head as he tried to say something else but I cut him off , "you can stay here, do whatever you want just clean up after so my dad doesn't see"

He looked relieved, "Thanks, we will. I'm Roman by the way." he extended his arm out for a handshake, his hands were so big compared to mine, he squeezed gently, and let go. "I'm Lana" I smiled back, " Well I won't bother you anymore, I'll go back home, its getting a bit cold" Roman smiled "You're no bother, Well I'll see you around then"

"Sure" I let out a small laugh as I turned to walk away, blushing a bit.

"Don't tell others you're alone out here if your dads not here tho!" he shouted after me, with a grin on his face. I just looked back and waved to him as I left, letting out a giggle.

**to be continued, maybe I'll post a new chapter later today already. Hope y'all like it xoxo <3**

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