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[Author's Note: theres gonna be some fluff ahead xoxo ;)]


I suddenly woke up to the sound of a loud doorbell, I opened my eyes and saw Roman next to me, I was confused but I nudged him awake "Someones at the door" I told him as he opened his eyes with a groan "What the f­­‑" he was cut off by the voice outside "open up babe, vacation is over" he got up "Jesus Christ" he muttered under his breath. I pulled the blanket all the way up covering myself, the door opened and two male voices started speaking over each other, "hey hey guys slow the fuck-"
They saw me and stopped
"Hi, well... bro are we interrupting?"
"No not at all, no" he said sarcastically, putting on his slippers "Thats Lana, shes staying for a few days" he pointed at me shortly.
"Yeah...we've met... I'm Dimitriy, this is Maks" the man said, pointing to his friend, they exchanged a weirded out look. "Hi" I just smiled and nodded, looking over to Roman, unsure what to say "Well we've come at the wrong time, call you later" Maks said.
"You really need to stop breaking into my apartment!" He yelled as he closed the door behind them, he came back shaking his head, "sorry about that, youll get used to them. Want a coffee?" He asked, opening a cupboard, turning back to me
"Yes please" I said as I sat up and adjusted my shirt. He turned around and turned on the stove, he stood there scrolling on his phone, he took off his shirt and my eyes widened, I quickly looked away and pretended to look at my phone. He went in the bedroom where his closet was and took out a fresh t-shirt, I watched as he put it over his head, his back muscles flexed and I felt heat in my cheeks creeping in. I looked away again when he turned back. He went over to the counter and then set both our coffees down on the table.
"Did you sleep well?" He turned to me.
"Yeah, I could easily sleep some more tho, this will help" i said raising up the coffee cup to my lips.
"Yeah true" he said, reaching for his cigarettes.
I finished my coffee and told him I'll go take a shower. I closed the bathroom door and washed my face, I stepped under the shower and turned on the water. I did everything quickly. I stepped out and realised I had no towel, I looked around and saw some in a stack, i took one and draped it around me. I searched through my bag and picked up an outfit. Grey skirt, black top, nothing out of the ordinary. I checked the time on my phone. It was 4pm already, we did go to sleep late, I thought to myself. I brushed my hair and put on light make up. I put everything back in my bag and closed it. I went out of the bathroom and sat my bag down by the shoes.
I walked back in to the living room and saw Roman on the balcony, talking on the phone.
I sat on the couch, scrolling through my phone, he came back in,
"I have to go do some errands, I'll be back in a few hours" he said to me "I'll leave you the keys just leave them under the mat if youll go somewhere" he said, putting his jacket on and taking the car keys off the table, "alright" I told him as I reached for the remote. He disappeared down the hallway and I heard the door open and close.

After I met up with a few people and signed some paper work about shooting terrains I sat back in my car. I looked at my watch and it was getting late again. I drove off towards home. I parked and took a bag from the back seat and headed up to the apartment. I unlocked the door and sat my bag down by the kitchen table.
Lana looked up from the couch, her hair was messy again "did you fall asleep?" I asked her, she let out a small yawn
"I did yeah, how long were you gone for?"
"Almost all day, its getting dark again" I motioned at the windows
"Whats in the bag?" She said pointing to it
"Secrets" I laughed, looking at her as I took the bag towards the bedroom.
"Oh come on, pleeease" I heard her whine and get up from the couch, "whats in there" she stood in the doorway, insisting.
"Open it" I said as I put the bag on my bed.
She took a few steps forward, grinning like a child. She started undoing the zipper "oh my god is this what i think it is?" She said, pulling the bag open, she reached inside and struggled to pull the contents out. She finally made it with a gasp. "Thats bigger than I expected" she said looking at it, "I have no idea how to even hold it tho" she added, looking up to me.
"Come here I'll show you" i said as I walked out of the bedroom towards the window. She hurried behind me. I took hold of her elbow and told her how to stand. I kicked her legs further apart and positioned the rifle in her hands. My chest was touching her back as she leaned further in to me, trying to balance the weapon "its really heavy" she struggled
"Look through the scope" I told her
"Woah thats amazing" she said, finally taking hold of the gun, so i let go of her hands and they automatically slipped down to her waist, on stand by if she drops the rifle.
"Its not loaded right?" She looked up to me
"No" I smiled at her, still in my arms. I was much taller than her. She pulled the trigger and jokingly made a shooting sound. She looked back up at me, lowering the gun.

I followed him to the living room, carriying the heavy rifle with me, he motioned to me to step in fron of him, he held my elbow with one hand and squeezed my shoulder with the orher, so the gun settled in my hands, I felt him so close behind me, I was practically touching him with my back. I struggled with the weapon a little, it wobbled in my hands, Roman told me to look through the scope, I managed to lift the rifle up to my shoulder with his help, I looked through the scope and I could see everything, I could literally look inside peoples windows, the gun finally stood still in my arms, as Roman let go, I could feel his hands around my waist. I was blushing harder by the second,
"Its not loaded right?" I asked looking up at him, I didnt really know what else to say or do, i just didnt want to get out of his grip.
"No" he smiled down at me. After some more fidgeting with the gun I lowered it and looked back up at him, he was practically towering over me. "I cant hold it anymore, its really heavy" i told him.
He smirked "No,no, you wanted to see, now endure" he said with a mischievous expression.
"Come on Roman pleasee" I begged as the rifle wobbled again and he reached for it, making me trapped between his hands and the rifle, i leaned closer into him, feeling his toned body against mine, I looked up in defeat as he was just standing there with that smile plastered over his face, his expression soon changed as he put a strand of my hair away from my face, I gripped his other arm for balance, and shortly looked down to see where i was standing, he sat the rifle down on the table. I watched his movement and then back to his face, he turned back down to me, a look on his face that I havent seen before, just something in his eyes,
"Are we really doing this?" He asked. Oh god. He saw me looking at him. "Do what?" I asked quietly. I knew exactly what. I held my breath for a second. He leaned down and his lips gently brushed mine. I leaned closer wanting more, he turned me around so I wasn't backed up against him anymore, he got closer to my lips again and kissed harder this time. I kissed back as my hands traveled up his arms to his big shoulders. His hands gripping my hips hard. "Yeah?" He asked huskily, and I nodded, his grip tightened even more as he lifted me up and pulled my hips even closer to him, he sat me down on the table, so our eyes were more leveled. I kissed him again and he kissed back.

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