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Kimberly, Audrey and I were sitting outside on the bleachers watching the boys play out in the football feild, but I was just focusing on one player.
Drake's grey shirt had a bit of dirt after been tackled many, many times, he has a great sense of fashion and he's pretty popular, especially with the girls.
Drake is pretty attractive, but I don't know if he's the one.

He got tackled once again after taking the football
"There goes your boyfriend" Audrey teased. Ever since I told my friends that I liked him they've never stopped picking on me, I don't mind as long as he doesn't find out. Now that the would be bad.
"Shut up" I laughed pushing her
"Maybe he'll get a point and yell 'That was one for you baby!'" Audrey mimicked him with a stupid look on her face.


I don't think I had a proper introduction, my name is Stella Sorrow, im 16 years old and I go to Lenarch public highschool. I love to listen to music, I love listening to Taylor Swift and Harry styles, I love drawing and writing. I love making comics in my free time but I don't dare even share them. I have medium length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I like living a quiet life, Im pretty social at times but only good friends really stay, that's why I'm always hanging out with Audrey and Kimberly. I have a few guy friends but my relationship with them gets complicated.


"Hey guys want to walk after school to the convenient store?" I asked walking to my friends as we walked through the crowded hallways, I almost gaged smelling the guys getting out of their classes.
"I can't sorry, going to my grandma's today" Audrey replied
"That's fine. can you Kimberly?"
"Yeah" Kimberly spoke in a low tone, not even glancing at me.

All of us grabbed our bags and left the school, me and Kimberly said our goodbyes to Audrey while we walked to the convenient store. I bought two candy bars and she bought a bag of chips. We decided to hang out at the park and eat our snacks, we went to a park that's pretty much forgotten and pretty dirty, but it's a great place to hang out.

Kimberly wasn't saying a lot, she's usually the most energetic person apart from Audrey, she was just looking down and not saying a word.
"What's wrong?"
"You sure? Because something is obviously wrong"
"It's nothing" she used as a excuse again
"Kimberly your gonna have to tell me, I'm here for you, please tell me"
"Fine...But you can't tell anyone okay?"
"I swear"
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise" We've been doing this since grade 2 and it's never gotten old.

"Okay.. I'm marrying someone"
"Kimberly your only 16?? Who is it? You have a boyfriend??"
"No-no- I worded it wrong... I know who I'm marrying"
"You know... Who your marrying? It's planned?" I tried to make sense of it all
"When I'm older, I'm marrying a man called Wilbert, it's a family thing"
"Your being forced to marry him?"
"I'm not being forced... But I'm really being encouraged. Our families are close as ever and I am probably going to end up marrying him"
"Kimberly, I'm sorry" I placed my hand on her shoulder
"It's alright, his family is pretty rich so my parents will be pleased. But I don't want to marry him"
"Do your parents not care about you? Have you talked about that?"
"My parents want what's best for me... Money wise" she sighed.

After that we sat there in silence for a few minutes, it wasn't a awkward kind of silence it was sad, I didn't want my best friend to be married to this man she never liked in the first place, and for what? Money? But there is nothing I could do for her except be there for her, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I read my watch and it was 5:29, it would be getting dark soon.
"C'mon Kimberly it's getting late we better head home"


A/N: Hey hope you like this chapter! Sorry for the short chapter and this chapter wasn't so romantic but I'll make sure to make more chapters like that! See you next chapter and thanks for reading :))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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