0.2 : The Challenge

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After taking a nice soothing bath, Simon reread his black notebook before he changed into a loose white shirt, fighting pants, boots, and put on brown leather armor. Double checking his hair for any wet spots, Simon grabbed a towel to dry it again.

When Simon finished, he looked in the mirror to fix his messy hair. Reapplying his mana, Simon smiled at himself.

Pale purple hair that matches the Viscount's eldest son, Vincent Winterly, and average green eyes that match Lady Winterly. Simon is tall and well built. His outfit right now subtly outlines his muscles and body shape.

After brushing back some of his hair, Simon left the restroom to grab a sheathed longsword and longbow with custom arrows. Then he tucked his notebook under the mattress and left his room.

Evangelina was standing outside of his room earnestly. Her posture was tall and straight. Unlike most maids, who were short, she was a few centimeters taller than Cale. She has long light brown hair and seemingly soft amethyst eyes.

Grinning, Simon secured his weapons on him, "Eva, are you ready?" Simon walked down the stairs of the inn with Evangelina following him.

"Where are we headed, Young Master?" She promptly responded.

"Where else? Count Henituse's training yard. He did say I could get comfortable," Simon smirked.

"Young Master, the Count didn't mean to take advantage of his kindness..." Evangelina silently sighed. She didn't voice her opinions since she knew Simon wouldn't listen. He's been like that since he was a kid.

The two made their way to the Henituse residence, walking past the confused guards and curious staff. Evangelina had to inform the guards about Simon's wishes before they stopped the happy young man.

On the training grounds, guards and young men in training were fighting each other or practicing their skills. A few were hanging out around the field to either discuss something or watch the others. Oddly enough, there was a young girl watching the knights with awe.

Ignoring the weird looks, Simon walked over to the archery range first. In all honesty, it was a little sad since there weren't many archers. There were only two ranges and the bows the guards used were regular ones.

"Do you mind if I use one of the ranges? It won't be too long," Simon asked the only three archers there.

The three exchanged looks before shrugging and agreeing.

Smiling, Simon took a few more steps back than the archers were originally positioned at. Taking off his bow, he stretched his arms for a moment before grabbing an all blue arrow.

Pulling the arrow back as far as he could and aligning the arrowhead with the center of the target, Simon released it. The arrow shot past the three archers and pierced the center of the target until it flew out to the hay behind the target.

"... Am I too close?" Simon furrowed his brows, taking a couple long strides backwards.

The three archers who watched felt their jaws go slack. This was the Curt son of Viscount Winterly?! Everyone assumed that only his blunt honesty hurt. Apparently, he had more skills than the rest of the world knew.

Swiftly switching out the target, Evangelina stood beside the target. While her eyes were on Simon's arrow, she focused more on the gossip the guards and archers were saying. Luckily, none of it was considered bad.

Once again, Simon shot the center of the target. This time, it stopped going through the target once it brushed against the arrow's end. Evangelina switched out the target and Simon shot it another eight times before he finally ran out of arrows.

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