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   Alice's worn out boots hit the pavement as she walked. Her eyes fixated on the wrinkled piece of paper in her hands, which was actually an old photo. She assumed the man in the photo was her Father, only because the name 'Tommy Shelby' was written on the back in her Mother's handwriting along with the location it was taken at

She had found the picture in an old journal that had belonged to her Mother. If it wasn't for the picture the thirteen year old would have no idea where to even begin looking for her Father.

In her free hand she carried a suitcase filled with some of her clothes and anything else she thought she would need, including the only gun her Mother owned, which she had no idea how to use, but took it with her nonetheless.

She was so focused on the picture she wasn't looking where she was going, and because of that, she ended up bumping into someone.

The moment her head met the man's chest, the picture fell out of her hands, as well as her suitcase, as she went tumbling to the ground. "I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going" The young girl was quick to blurt out an apology as she picked up the picture.

The man chuckled a bit, picking up her suitcase then offering her his hand, which she gratefully took "I'm not the one with bloody knees"

Her gaze fell down to her knees, which were now covered in scrapes "It happens a lot, so I'm used to it"

He tilted his head to the side, studying her face "I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?"

"Alice" She answered, "Alice Lewis"

"What are you doing around here? Do your parents know where you are?"

"I'm actually here looking for my Dad. Have you seen him before?" She handed him the picture she had "His name is Thomas Shelby"

The man looked down at the picture, before looking at her "Who's your Mum?"

"Charlotte Lewis" By the man's reaction to the picture, and to her Mother's name, Alice knew that he knew both of them.

"Come with me" He spoke through a sigh, handing her her suitcase. When he started to walk off, Alice was quick to follow.

He led the girl to the betting shop, and as soon as the two walked in, a woman looked up from the desk she was sat at "Who's the girl?"

The man sent a glance over at Alice, before nudging his head towards a set of doors. The woman seemed to take the hint as she stood, walking through the set of doors to another room.

The other two followed her, and as soon as the doors were closed behind them, the man turned to the woman "She says she's Tommy's daughter. Even had this with her". He handed the woman the picture, as she sat down.

Sending one glance down at the picture, she looked at Alice "Who is your Mother?"

"Charlotte, miss. Charlotte Lewis"

"John, go get Thomas" She instructed, and just like that, the man left, with her motioning for Alice to sit down, which she did.

"Did she send you here?" Alice shook her head at the woman's question, looking down at her hands. "I haven't heard from her in weeks, which is unlike her. I came here hoping that my Dad would have some answers, because I can't think of anyone else that would"

The woman studied her face, but somehow she knew that she wasn't lying "How old are you?"

"Thirteen. My birthday was in December" Almost immediately after she spoke, John walked back in with who Alice assumed was Thomas. The man's eyes landed on her, before going to the woman "Aunt Pol, who is this?"

"Your daughter" The woman answered simply "Her Mother is Charlotte Lewis, says she's been missing for weeks"

Lottie. Thomas wanted to say, because the Charlotte he used to know hated when people used her full name. Her name is Lottie.

When he turned his gaze back to the girl, he saw it. She had Lottie's eyes, hair color and just about everything else. But she had his nose, and the same lip shape as him.

"What's your name?" He asked, and it took Alice a few seconds to reply "Alice"

Alice in Wonderland was Lottie's favorite book. She would read it over and over. She even read it to Thomas enough that he was sure he could recite it word for word.

"She's yours, Thomas" Polly spoke, and John shifted his weight on his feet, waiting for Thomas to say something.

"Do you like horses?"

Alice was quick to nod, pushing herself to her feet "I love them"

"What else do you like?"

"Drawing. Well, painting mostly"

"You should take her to the shop, Thomas. Get her some paints" Polly spoke. It wasn't a request, Thomas knew, it was an order.

"Then I can take you to see my horse" A smile tugged at the girls lips as his words "Can we see the horse first?"

"I suppose so"


With a gentle hand, Alice ran her fingers through the horses mane. The smile not leaving her lips "Mum never liked horses, or any animal, really. She said they were too dirty for her liking"

She sent a glance over at Thomas "But I think they are cleaner than some people". Her focus turned back to the horse "And better listeners"

He rose an eyebrow at her words "When was the last time you spoke to your Mother?"

"A few weeks ago. She said she had found a new job, and that she would be gone for a few days, but she never came back"

"Do you know what job she got?"

She shook her head, turning to him "No, she wouldn't say. I don't even know where to begin looking for her"

Thomas walked over, running a gentle hand over the horses neck "We'll find her"


By the time the two had gotten back to the house, Alice had two bags full of paints, which she thanked Thomas for multiple times, she was in the process of thanking him again when the two walked into the kitchen. But much to Thomas' relief, Arthur was there.

The man looked up from where he sat at the table looking at the two "Who's she?"

"Her name is Alice"

"I'm his daughter" Alice spoke, and Arthur sent a glance over at Thomas, before standing "Then that makes me your Uncle Arthur"

"It's nice to meet you"

Meeting her Dad's side of the family made Alice realize just how much she missed her Mother. She missed her so much it felt suffocating. She had never been away from her this long before.

She couldn't sleep that night. Or the night after.

She had to find her Mother.


this chapter isn't much, but I wanted something that I could start off with. I hope you guys like it nonetheless! I also didn't proofread it, so there may be some mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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