birthday party kisses

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disclaimer: there will be alcohol usage in this chapter i do know that triplets don't actually drink but for this to work they do in the book👍

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matt's pov
ever since our birthday when marnie gave me the ring i haven't taken it off and i don't plan on it, i

can't believe she remembered what this means for us i honestly don't what i did to deserve this

girl, i've always known i had some sort of feelings towards marnie but i can't let myself feel those feelings, i'm to afraid to lose her

marnie's pov
me, gracie and madi are setting up for the boy's surprise party tonight i'm honestly so excited for

it, we have booth by byrant here setting up the booth for tonight, the theme of the party is

roaring 20's i know there not 20 yet but the party is gonna be so much fun, we told the boys be

dressed like the 20s and we were gonna pick them up around 8 they didn't question us at all

which is strange they really should've but that's just them, we invited a bunch of ppl tonight and

we have the drinks set out on a table in the main room, a dj and gracie handled the cake and

decorations, it's almost time for us to go get the boys when ppl start arriving i tell gracie and madi

to stay here while i go get the boys so i can let them know when to be ready to yell surprise,

when i get to the house the triplets and taylor jump in the car and ask where we're going i tell

them "it's a surprise" when we pull up to the house i give them each a blindfold then nate

helps me lead them inside once they take off there blind fold everyone yells "SURPRISE!" they

all look at me shocked i smile and says "let's get this birthday party started" everyone cheers, i

take matt's hand and we go get a drink i look at him and ask "so what do you think?", he says "i

think this is great thank you marbs for everything this week", "it's really no problem matty i love you guys", "and we love you", we grab our drinks and head to the booth to take pictures

a few hours later...

at this point i'm completely plastered i lost matt alittle bit ago and haven't been able to find him

when i finally see him with sab and nessa, i walk over and pat matt's shoulder "hello beautiful

people" i say slurring my words, matt looks at me and laughs "are you drunk marnie?", "as a skunk"

i laugh, he just smiles and says "come on let's go get you some water and find a quiet place" he

takes my hand and helps me to a room, looking at him tonight he looks so good, and i can't help

but stare, he snaps his finger and says "marnie? are you okay", i shake my head "yea i'm fine, it's just you look good tonight matty", "thanks

marnie you look beautiful yourself", i smile ugh i've had feelings for this boy for a long time but i

just can't bring myself to tell him, when all of a sudden matt looks at me and says "hey marnie?",

"what's up?", "i just wanted to tell you how much appreciate you getting me this ring, i didn't think

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