School bus 🚌

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C/n- Crushes name | Y/n - Your name| bfg/n -best friends girls name| C/n/bf - best friend boy name|



I was walking out of my school talking to bfg/n "Omg Y/n you have to talk to C/n, obviously he's not making the first move, so you have too." Bfg/n spoke while nudging me. "No I would never do that.. he's not making the first move because he's a year older than me, and he probably wants to be with someone his age." I sighed while walking towards my bus. "WHATEVE just do it, be the confident biatch you are!" Bfg/n declared while flipping her hair. I just giggled "whatever" I mumbled. We said bye to each other, and I made my way to the school bus. 

I stepped on the black bus steps, when immediately I smelled a scent of powerful mintish vanilla cologne. I knew who it was...C/n. He always put so much cologne on, I didn't care, I liked it because every time I smelled it I knew he was there. I fixed my hair quickly making my way to the back of the bus to go sit by my bus friend. I felt like all eyes were on me except for C/n. I sat down  in the black leather seat setting my backpack down on the floor. "Hey" I spoke while waving to the girl sitting by me, she waved while putting her earbuds in her ears. The thing is I've liked C/n since forever, all my friends knew about him and probably my parents, I've always been obsessed with him. But I knew nothing was gonna happen.

All of a sudden I hear a voice in my ear "Yo y/n can I get your number?" C/n friend asked. In the corner of my eye I saw c/n look directly at me looking annoyed. Oh god I feel like I'm turning red. "Oh hey C/n bff umm I guess here it's (your phone number.) c/n was still looking at me. "Thanks y/n" his friend said while getting off the bus. "Seriously?" I heard a voice say... it was c/n. 

"W-what?" I spoke quite and nervously. While I watched C/n sit on the seat parallel to me while he was staring at me. "Y/n if I were you I would delete his number." C/n murmured "what? Why." I asked still trying not to look C/n in the eyes. I could smell his cologne stronger then ever. "He just wants your number for wired things, you know what I mean?" He stated, leaning over. "Oh." I uttered "listen y/n I know we don't talk, at all. But I'm jus trying to look out for you." C/n spoke finally looking away. "Hmhm of course thanks." I smirked while fixing my hair. By now I didn't even notice the girl that was sitting by me left. "Uhh can I sit by you?" He asked "UM sure??" I agreed. Is this even real, c/n the boy I've liked forever is finally having a convo with me that's crazy. "So... how's (your grade) going, since I was in it last year I thought it was a hard grade." He asked while cracking he's knuckles "oh I guess it's going pretty good, I mean state testing just finished so I hope I did well." I chuckled "oh yes I prob failed the state testing." C/n laughed. "Y/n I have always wanted to get to know you more." He obliged "hmm I mean likewise? Its just been hard since you are like super cool, and I'm like not that cool?" I responded while giggling "nah don't say that your super cool" C/n stated while messing with his hair. Danm he's so cute...."ahaha thanks C/n." I added "has anyone ever told you, that you have really pretty hair." C/n asked. Did C/n just say that I have really pretty hair...omgggggggg I'm gonna die "uhhh besides my" I replied while looking down. "And I would say pretty eyes, but I can't see them since you're looking down." He exclaimed. I lifted my head up looking him in the eyes. His bus stop was coming soon. "Looks like you gotta go..." I whispered. "Hmhm" he nodded. He than lifted my chin and gave me a soft kiss, I felt our lips touch. Omg did C/n just kiss me!!! I kissed him back. "Now I would say we have quite a friendship now." He than got up and walked down the aisle leaving me stunned. Did my crush that I've been obsessed with forever just kiss me?!!!!

Hey guys I know this wasn't very good! But I tried anyways bye !

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