The plan

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I've just been reading stories lately I haven't thought about uploading but I am now

POV kion
Fuli bestie take the Jackels
Bunga ono anga take the crocs
I'll take the hyenas

Fuli and bestie defeat the jackels by ease
Same with Bunga and ono and anga

POV kion
Kion punches a hyena in the face
Look around Janja  your loosing
The only one standing he growled

Maybe I'm loosing but that doesn't meen that u can defeat me
Janja pounces on kion
Tho kion used his legs to kick him off
Janna face planted into the dirt

Everyone one behind me
Oh yeah this is the good part Bunga says

Scars army was roared back into the outlands

Good job Lion gaurd let's head back to pride rock

The outlands: Janja leads the amry back to scar

Scar pov: look who it is isn't it the uselessness army scar growled

Janja : kions roar is to powerful they easily beat us with that roar

The rest of the army: Yes it's true scar his roar is unstoppable

Well luckily I have reinforcements

Mackucha and his pack come out of the shadows
Including some Komodo dragons
And Chulong

Now that's more like it

Remember janja im allways one step ahead scar says

Scar: anyways I have a new approach I say we take over the tree of life first

True but why  Janja says

Because we easily out number them

All we need to do is take that owl out

Than she can't warn the night pride

than you destroy the night pride from a ambush

Hahahahaha Janja laughs

Then the tree of life will be ours

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