Best Debate #8 ✔

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The best debate for the last question: "What if Harry Potter was in Slytherin?" is finally here, chosen by our Zacharias Smith!

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The best debate for the last question: "What if Harry Potter was in Slytherin?" is finally here, chosen by our Zacharias Smith!

Topic by Adya11111;
Best Debate Judge: Charmed_Sunshine_22;
Best Debate Winner: marina_swampert;


Judge's Words:Hey all, how are you?

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Judge's Words:
Hey all, how are you?

So I’d love to welcome you all to another round of ROR debates with the invested powers of Gilderoy Lockharts’ golden hair hem hem wig…

Decision making is the hardest thing when two debates catch your eyes…

Huge applause to both @marina_swampert and @-pinkgvmmybear for their splendid debate.

Let’s get straight into why I like both their opinions as well as why the other one is better✨

Both are saying similar things while @marina_swampert is going slightly more in depth about how Harry’s Hogwarts life would be if he’d be in Slytherin. So that’s why she’s the winner!

One of the two biggest examples would be, Snape not being too keen on having his nemesis son in his Hogwarts House, as Harry’s going to remind him of James Potter more than Lily.

The second example would be that he’d be lonely, emotionally unstable, less to no friends and Voldemort could easily kill him off, which is going to end badly for the Wizarding world. They’d have to find a new saviour. Which is the conclusion the winner comes to.

And I agree with her as it makes sense✨

Thanks for reading and I wholeheartedly apologise if your debate hasn’t been chosen, there’s always a next time✨

Peace out,
Team RoR of DA-Community

Peace out,Team RoR of DA-Community

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