whats going on

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Bose pov

I wake up, get dressed, then head off to swag. Once I walk in, mika and Miles are there but no chapa.

Bose: Hey guys.

*they both turn around*

Miles: Sup.

Mika: Hey, stands up and walks toward boses's desk. How are you doing?

Bose: Good. What about you?

Mika: same.

I sit down

Mika: So... Do you wann ha-

*Chapa walks through the door*

Bose: Hey Chapa.

Chapa: *sits down* Hey.

Bose: *rolls chair over to chapas desk* Do you wanna hang out?

Chapa: Sure. *sounds angry like normal*

Ray: *bursts through the door* Cut the chatter and sit down!

*emergency alarm goes off*

Ray: What are you guys still sitting for, There is an emergency!

Mika: We are sitting because you told us to! Right, guys! *turns around*

Ray: They all went upstairs, now how about you follow them!

They both go upstairs and blow gum. Miles teleports them all to the crime.

Awol: Where are we?

Shoutout: I don't know.

*Volt and captain man walk into the building*

Villain: *taps brainstorms shoulder*

Brainstorm: *turns around* Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Awol: *turns around* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Shoutout: *turns around* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

*time skip*

Awol: Who are you, and why did you put us in these cages!?

Rey: My name is Rey, and that house was a trap. But when I saw that you guys didn't go in, then I had to trap you myself.

Shoutout: If the house was a trap-

Awol: Then that means-

Brainstorm: Volt and captain man went into a trap!

Rey: That's right!

Volts pov

Volt: Cap, what is your dream mission?

Captain man:  we are in a haunted house with a guy. He would be like me.

Volt: indestructible?

Captain man: No! Handsome, strong, and young!

Volt: That would be an easy fight. For all of us.

Captain man: Hey! That is not tru- *both him and volt fall through a hole in the floor* Ahhhhhhhhh

*They land*

Captain man: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Volt: Dude, stop screaming. We are not even falling.

Captain man: *stops screaming* Sorry.

Volt: Where are we?

Rey: You are in my trap

Volt: What!?

Awol: Help us!!

Shoutout: He trapped us!!

Brainstorm: He is trying to trap you!!

Volt and captain man stand up and turn around to face them

Captain man: Who are you!?

Rey: My name is Rey, and I'm your worst nightmare.

Awol: No, his worst nightmare is the slow March of time.

Rey: Fine, I'm your second worst enemy.

Volt:  OK, no more of this worst enemy stuff. I wanna get to fighting!

Brainstorm: Don't it is all a trap!

Captain man: confirmation, awol.

Awol: he is correct!

Captain man: Shoutout.

Shoutout: For the first time, the boys are right!

Brainstorm and awol: Hey!

Captain man: I think you all are not telling the truth.

Shoutout, awol, and brainstorm: We are telling the truth!

Captain man: I don't believe you guys.

Volt: Cap, I think they are telling the truth.

Captain man: What makes you think that?

Volt: Look under you! *jumps back then falls to the ground*

Captain man: *looks down* Oh, will you look at that.

Rey: *closes trap* You should have listened... Ray.

Captain man: How do you know my name!? *hits bars*

Rey: I won't tell. Also, those bars are iron.

Captain man: So what!

Awol: You won't be able to break them, dude.

Captain man: I am indestructible, I can do anything! *gets tired* I can't do this anymore. *falls to the ground*

Volt is still on the ground

Shoutout: Volt get up!

Awol: You are the last one, not in a trap!

Brainstorm: You have to save us!

Volt gets up and starts fighting Rey

Volt: *starts zapping rey* Rey, am I in a dumpster, or is this just your house.

Awol: Burn!

Rey: *shoots volt with a power ray* You never talk about my home!

Volt: *falls to the ground, and her powers start going out of control* What did you do to my powers!?

Rey: This is a power ray, and it makes your powers go out of control.

Volts powers zap all of the cages except for captain mans and Shoutouts

Volt: *powers go back to normal* Hey Rey! *kicks him* never mess with my powers!

Rey: *picks volt up and pushes her onto the wall, pointing a beam gun at her* How dare you!

Awol: *wispers* Brainstorm, volt zapped open our cages.

Brainstorm: *whispers* Let's go and help her.

They both open their cage doors

Brainstorm: *Tackles Rey to ground*

Awol: *tackles Rey to the ground at the same time*

Brainstorm: *gets up* *helps volt up* you ok?

Volt: Yeah. What about you? How did you get out of the cage?

Brainstorm: When you were sparking everywhere, you zapped our cage locks.

Volt: OK. Is Awol good?

Brainstorm: Awol buddy, you can stop now.

Awol:*stands up* Sorry. Volt, can you help me get shout out out of her cage.

Volt: Sure. *zapps the lock*

Shoutout: *walks out of the cage* Thanks.

Awol: *teleports everyone to the man's nest* Finally....

They all transform back to normal

Chapa: Well, imma go sleep. That blast took the energy out of me. *walks upstairs*

Miles: Let's head home, Mika. I'm really tired.

Mika: Ok, let's go. *they teleport home*

Bose: Well, I guess that I will sleep on the couch.

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