New love, or is it (part 2) WARNING: this is the last chapter

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AWOL and volt turn around to see amazing lights and they walk towards the light to see a letter.
Great job, you better try hard for this last clue. You both have to walk through this door and you will see something that will help you a lot but there is a twist. You both must work together to live and there will be no clue you have to look around and try and find something. You will know what I mean when you get in there. Have a good time.

They both walk through the door and they see a random door and with five key holes but no keys in sight.
Volt: I guess we will have to find keys.
AWOL: Yep and now we look. You look over there *points left* and I will work over there *points right*
Volt: alright,
They separated and try and find the keys. Volt finds a pile of folders and she looks through the then but only finds a code. AWOL has bunches of safes. They meet up in the middle.
Volt: Well no keys but around 5 codes.
AWOL: well I got 5 safes.
Volt: Maybe these codes go with those safes!
They go to the safes and put in all the codes and end up finding all 5 keys but every time they opens a safe the walls closed in and they only have 6 seconds to open the doors. Volt opens 3 and awol opens the other 2. They rush through the door right when they got through the door the walls closed all the way.
Volt and awol: *falls on the floor*
Volt: that was a close one!
AWOL: Yeah!
They both get up and see brainstorm with some guy under a mask.
Volt: Let brainstorm go!
AWOL: Yeah, we survived all your test!
Anonymous: Alright. *pushes brainstorm to them*
They all teleport to the man's nest before they take the tape and ropes off of brainstorm.
AWOL: *Takes the ropes and tape off of brainstorm* you good bose?
Bose: Yep.
Chapa and awol get out of their uniforms
Chapa: *pats boses shoulder* Good to have you back.
Bose: *Hugs Chapa* thanks you!
Chapa: you are welcome. *hugs back*
Bose: Do you remember that date we were talking about?
Chapa: Yeah, why?
Bose: Well wanna go on that date?
Chapa: Sure.
They go on the date and have a great time.
Bose: so Chapa do you like like guys like me???
Chapa: Yeah sure, why?
Bose: I mean let's like would you date some guy like me?
Chapa: Yeah.
Bose: Well... will you be my girlfriend??? *nervous*
Chapa: Sure!
Bose: Yay!!!!!! *hugs her and runs out of the building*
Chapa: *Runs after bose and catches up to him* Why did you run away??
Bose: Oh, I was just nervous
Chapa: And why?
Bose: Because you said yes.
Chapa: alright let's head to the man's nest.
They go to the man's nest and they start to train together and then they finally get a break
Mika: Well it is finally Friday. *pats boses shoulder*
Chapa: Yes but crime doesn't take weekend breaks.
Bose: Super true. *wraps arm around Chapas shoulder*
Mika: Ok, Ok, Ok, I don't get it! Do you lo-
Miles: *cuts off Mika* love pizza!!??
Bose: Yeah sure, I love pizza. wanna go to a pizza party place my dear girlfr-
Chapa: *puts hand over Boses mouth* Yes I would love to go to a pizza lace my dear friend.
Bose: But I thought that we were da-
Chapa: *grabs Boses hand and pulls him away from the others* He's we are dating but I don't want any to know just yet.
Bose: Can we tell them tomorrow?
Chapa: How about in two more days.
Bose: Ok.
Chapa: It wasn't a question.
Bose: Oh...
Chapa: *Drags Bose inside to see no one in the classroom* where is everyone?
Bose: I don't know.
Chapa: *they both go into the man's nest* What's going on Mika?
Mika: Ummmmmmmmmmmmm........... nothing...
Chapa: MIKA!!!
Mika: Fine we were looking through the cameras outside.
Miles and Ray: MIKA!
Mika: I'm sorry!!! I'm a super hero not a super lier!
Chapa: Thank you Mika now your punishment will not be as bad as theirs *glairs at miles and Ray*
5 minutes later
Miles: Come on let me down. *wines*
Chapa: No you should not have spyed on me and Bose!
Ray: Ha you hanging from the door. *laughs*
Chapa: *glares at ray*
3 minutes later
Ray: Ok it was funny with miles but now it has gone too far!
Chapa: Well you where laughing so now you are hanging upsidedown.
Ray: please let me down!!!!!!
Chapa: No!
Her and Bose leave
Mika: 🎶Genuine moments🎶
Chapa: *burst through the door* Don't sing that again!
Mika: Sorry!
Around 5 hours later
Chapa and Bose go into the man's nest
Bose: hey miles hey Mika!
Chapa: sup Kids
Ray: Will you get me down now!!!
Chapa: ugh fine... *takes Ray off the wall*
Ray: Your evil!!!
Chapa: Thank you.
Bose: Chaps are you going somewhere tonight??
Chapa: Yep.
Bose: Oh, uh... where?
Chapa: My house.
Bose: well do you want to go out and eat dinner???
Chapa: Yeah sure. Where?
Bose: I will pick you up.
Chapa: ............ why don't we just go now?
Bose: Oh, good idea. let's go!
They go out to dinner and they find something weird in the restaurant.
Bose: Uhhhhh, Chapa what's this????
Chapa: Huh, weird, I don't know?
Bose: AHHHHHHHHH! It's a hair! I found a hair in my food!!!!!
Chapa: Bosey, calm down!
Bose: *calms down* ok... let's go!
They leave and ended up going to boses house
Chapa: Nice room. Why is there a couch here?
Bose: uhhh to sit on?
They sit down on boses bed and watch a show.
Bose: This is nice. *wraps arm around chapas neck*
Chapa: Yeah, it is. *lays head down on boses shoulder*
They ended up falling asleep together and waking up together
Bose: Good morning chappy. *yawns
Chapa: Morning Bosey.
They both get dressed and everything else they do in the morning. Then they go down stairs and go to swag.
Before they go in
Bose: *grabs chapas arm* wait up!
Chapa: *turns around* what's up?
Bose: My mom tells me that I am going to Quebec because I didn't take care of meatball.
Chapa: Meatball?
Bose: Her cat. The used to be radioactive cat.
Chapa: Oh yeah. Why are you telling me this?
Bose: I haven't told my mom or step dad about our relationship so I have to break up with you.
Chapa: *Stunned* Oh ok.
Bose: Look I'm sorry but I -
Chapa walks into swag angry and sad
Bose: *runs inside* Really, I was taking to you!
Chapa: *sits down* How are you doing miles?
Miles: Good thanks for aski-
Bose: It's not my choice I was forced. If you want me to tell my parents then I will but if you don't then I had to!
Chapa: *stands up fast* Why do you have to!? Your going on a trip!
Bose: My parents make use do a lie detector test and if I didn't then they would know!
Chapa: So what if they know! I told my parents and they were happy!
Bose: They want me to date the mayor's daughter!
Chapa: So!!!
Bose: They want me to date a nice well behaved girl, and you don't match those!
Chapa: so what, your parents don't control your love life!
Bose: Yeah but they control my regular day life!
Chapa: How!!!???
Bose: They can kick me out to the shed!
Chapa: oh...
Mika: Wait, wait, wait you to are dating??
Chapa: Were. We were dating.
Miles: what happened?
Bose: I had to break up with Chapa outside.
Mika: Why?
Bose: I'm going on a trip.
Miles: I don't know if Mika did but I did and that makes no sense.
Chapa: That's what I told him!
Mika: I agree with Bose.
Miles: Why? It makes no sense.
Mika: Well if I was dating a boy then I wouldn't want my parents to know until they say it's fine.
Bose: Your dating someone?
Mika: NO! I mean no I'm not, I'm open.
Chapa: Stop acting weird!
Miles: Ok I know that I agreed with you and all but Mika is not weird!
Mika: Thanks.
Miles but-
Mika: SHUSH!
Bose: Dude just go back to the cult.
Miles: ITS NOT A CULT!!!
Miles: A GROUP!!!
Bose: *stands in shock. Runs outside and far away from swag*
Mika: Miles, too far!
Chapa: Yeah. Wayyyyyyy too far.
Miles: I I I... *teleports away*
Chapa: Well now we have no Bose or miles.
Mika: and now they hate each other.
Chapa: I hate Bose but I wouldn't go that far to talking about his birth dad.
Mika: Why do you hate Bose?
Chapa: He broke up with me.
Mika: Yeah...
Emergency call
Chapa: Oh god.
Mika: time to ask cap if we can ride his man car.
Chapa and Mika get dressed and go off in the man car
They arrive
Volt: Is someone here!!!???
Shoutout: I don't think people will answer.
Random person: Help!!!
Volt: you were saying?
Shoutout: *glares at Chapa for a second* Where are you!
Person: TO YOUR RIGHT!!!
They both look to their right and shoutout walks towards him
(It is very dark in the room so they can barley see)
5 minutes later
Volt: Shoutout!! Where are you!?
Volt now walks towards the place shoutout went to and next thing, she see bars around her and the lights are turned on
Criminal: Well hello girls. Volt where might your boyfriend be?
Volt: I don't have a boyfriend!
Shoutout: Who are you!!??
Criminal: I am the blank mind but they call me bm
Volt: why is your name bm?
Bm: well because I wipe people's minds.
Volt: So you turn people's brains into jelly?
Bm: No, I make them stupid!
Volt: oh...
Shoutout: What are you going to do to us!!??
Bm: Imma melt your brain.
Volt: We were literally talking about that.
Shoutout: Oh... *sits down*
Volt: *sits down* I wish one of the boys were here.
Shoutout: We both do.
30 minutes later
Bm: Alright, who's ready to get their brains melted!!
Volt and shoutout: Not me!
Bm: Alright volt is first!
Bm walks up to volts cage and is about to put the brain melt on her head
Brainstorm and awol: *teleports in*
AWOL: Get away from that cage!
Brainstorm: *picks up bm and throws him away from the cage* That's what you get!!!
The boys run up and put try and put the brain melt on him but...
Brainstorm: *gets blasted and goes flying back* ahhhhh......
AWOL: *puts the brain melt on bm and then runs to brainstorm* bud are you ok?
Brainstorm: *Gets up* yeah, I feel no different.
Bm's brain gets melted and then they let the girls out of the cages
Brainstorm: Are to guys ok?
Volt: yeah I'm good.
They all go back to the man's nest and get undressed
Chapa: So when did you both apologize?
Miles: we didn't.
Bose: We just heard Ray and shwaz arguing about you guys going to the crime alone.
Mika: Why?
Miles: They said that the blank mind was very powerful and was never deafened.
Bose: and that you both were going to get hurt or even worse.
Miles: So me and Bose put the argument aside and went to save you both.
Mika: Bose were did you go when you ran out?
Bose: to my parents house.
Mika: Why?
Bose: To tell them the truth.
Bose: Umm... Chapa, will you be my girlfriend again?
Chapa: Why?
Bose: Because I told my parents and they were ok with everything so now I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth starting now!
Chapa: I need proof.
Bose: I love you.
Chapa: Hmmm... sure.
Bose: Yay! *picks her up and kisses her head*
Everyone except Bose and Chapa: awwww!
The end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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