Emoly is sad. :( sad lottle man I mean woman! emoly loves women ❤️🙏
she looks at the moon "AWOOO" she says. Sitting by herslf
"What are you doinh?" YHE voice in hee tv speaks!
WHAT WAS THAT?? Emily desperatly searces hee room.
"You idiot 😡😡😡😡" the voice says again
EMILY REALISES it's actual,,, from hee TV....!!!!
WHAT WHY ARE U SPEAKINg?" Emoly screams and jumps behind her couch
no I'm not 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 says voice
I am belle THE PRINCESS!
"No way" says emilh why are you talkng?
Because... I love you
Come here baby girl ! <<3 😈😈To be contonued......
When Dust Meets the Stars -🪐
RomansaEmily, a depressed girl living by herself. "You need to go outside more!" "Take your classes more seriously!" They always say. Emily never listens, though. Until one day, when her TV suddenly starts acting strange, and when her favourite characters...