Chapter 5

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I got off Chris' lap and sat on the arm of the chair on his left and took his hand in mine. Billie sat on the chair next to me with Melinda squeezing in next to her as she was so small. Wyatt sat in front of them on the table with Piper and Leo next to him. Leo was opposite me. We all gathered hands and I closed my eyes. I hoped they followed suit.

I searched inside myself for the power to project my thoughts, this power came from the fact that I could hear people's thoughts, so it allowed me to put thoughts into people's minds. When I felt it I searched for the dream that I had had previously.

When I pulled it from its drawer I let it run in my head again, almost like a film. Pushing it into the circle we had formed, I felt it reach each person holding hands. They gasped as the dream entered them and then I felt connected to each person. I could feel their minds, but I didn't enter as it was too much projecting the images to the others.

Finally after a few minutes the dream ended and I pulled the dream back into myself before opening my eyes and I saw everyone looking at me, except Piper and Leo who were looking at each other.

"Mom? Dad?" Wyatt and Chris asked together. They looked at their sons, before their gazes landed on me. I saw Piper sigh, before she got up and made her way into the hall. I don't know how but I heard her pick up the phone and dial a number, before dialling another.

"Hello? It's Piper" she said "-sorry to disturb you this early on a morning, but we have a problem and I think you should get here as quick as you can."

"No. No. Your niece and nephews are fine. It's Lila." she paused

"No she's not hurt or anything, but she had a dream. A few dreams actually that I think will interest you. Especially you Phoebe." Again another pause.

"That would be great. Of course. I will have some tea ready for when you get here. No you don't need to bring the kids if you don't want to" I could practically hear Piper frown.

"Oh I understand. Okay then I'll let you go so Paige can come and orb you. See you in a few" she said and then put the phone down.

I heard her walk away, and then the clinking of cups as she prepared tea. Just as Piper walked back into the living room, a bright blue light appeared in front of me, that was covered in swirling orbs. When the light receded Paige and Phoebe stood in front of me holding hands.

Seeing them together again made me think about seeing them in my dream. I guessed that they were all in their late twenties maybe early thirties in my dream. They hadn't changed much apart from a few wrinkles that had appeared, so I voiced this opinion aloud.

"I was just thinking, you all haven't changed much. You look the same, just a little bit older" I said and smiled. Paige and Phoebe looked at me weirdly.

"How would you know whether we still look the same?" Paige asked.

"Oh that's because I dreamt about you tonight. Yeah and Leo had powers, elder powers. And Chris was in his twenties, at least I think it was his twenties" I said and nodded deciding it was.

"Are you okay Lila? Because Chris is the same age as you at the moment" Phoebe asked sweetly. I loved Phoebe she was so kind. And totally wacky at times, she still had the energy she had when she was younger, so the sisters said.

"I'm fine. Piper called you because of the dream I had." I said "-hello by the way. Sorry to call you under such strange circumstances" I finished feeling kind of bad about this. Phoebe smiled and motioned at me to stand so she could hug me. So I did and she hugged me tightly.

As she did I felt as if someone had punched me hard in my chest and knocked all the breath out of me. Then I was in an apartment. Phoebe was wearing a pink camisole. She had tears streaming down her face.

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