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Dress by Taylor Swift


Anasya and Ralf walked into the restaurant that they had booked for tonight, the restaurant was classy and fancy. "Table for two, under the name Aron." Ralf said to the waiter, "Over here, please follow me" the waiter responded politely. The two of them where showed over to their table, it was towards the right side in the middle of the seating area.

The two of them sat down "Ralf, this is so romantic of you. Thank you for taking me out tonight amor, it's lovely." Anasya said, she grabbed his hand. "It's my pleasure, I'm glad that you're enjoying tonight." Ralf responded, he squeezed her hand. "Is there anything that I could get you two?" the waiter asked, he got out his notepad and pencil ready for the order.

• Time Skip •

The two of them exited the restaurant, the harsh cold wind had hit them both. "Thank you for tonight" Anasya said while they where walking towards the car, "You're welcome." Ralf responded. As they both reached the car, Ralf opened the passenger door for Anasya. "Thank you." Anasya quietly said as she entered the car, Ralf walked over to the driver's side and entered the car. He stared up the car and set off towards the hotel, while he was driving his hand had rested on Anasya's thigh.

Anasya had found it comforting for her, she always enjoyed his touch. The car trip to the hotel was short, it was also silent. But it wasn't awkward, it was nice and relaxing. The car had came to a stop, "We are here Kallis." Ralf said while he unbuckled his seatbelt. He then quickly walked over to Anasya's door side and opened her door, she exited the car.

As Ralf shut the car door, Anasya quickly came up to Ralf and kissed him. The kiss then had turned into a small make-out session, it was full of love and lust. They both pulled back, both were out of breath. Both were desperate for each other, both wanted the same thing. As they looked into each others eyes, they both knew what they wanted.

• Time Skip •

Anasya woke up with an arm wrapped around her, she then had remembered what had happened last night between them. They didn't fuck, they made love. It was a connection like she had never had with someone else, not even her first. She loved him, he loved her. They both showed it last night to each other, it was perfect for them.

A groan had left Ralf's mouth as he woke up, he pulled Anasya closer to him. He loved last night, it was the best he has ever had. It wasn't just the sex that was the best he ever had, it was her. He couldn't go a day without her, his heart beated for her and only for her.

"Morning Kallis" Ralf said, his moving voice made her weak. "Good morning Amor." She responded quietly, "I hope last night was good..." Ralf said. Anasya turned around and looked into his eyes, "Ralf, last night was amazing... I loved it so much, and I love you" She said reassuringly. "I love you so much, words aren't enough to express how much I love you" Ralf sweetly said, they then kissed again and again...

• Time Skip •

It was now Sunday, 30 minutes until the race starts to be exact. Anasya and Ralf had just entered the Yamaha garage, after they both had wished Jorge good luck. Anasya started to take phots of workers around the garage, she loved Sunday's. It was full of suspense and action, she also loved the many photos that she could take.

As she was busy focusing on taking pictures, Ralf was watching her. He loved her passion towards photography and Motorsport, he could easily tell why Isa and her got along so well. Isa had always told stories about Anasya to him, he was always intrigued to meet her. The way that Isa had explained what Anasya was like was true, she always said Anasya was perfect, sweet, caring and nice.

• Time Skip •

The race had finished Fabio finished in 5th place, while Franco finished in 11th place. Yamaha wasn't too happy about their results, the tension in the garage could be felt by anyone who entered. However, Anasya was relieved to leave the garage. As much as she enjoyed her work, she only wanted to go to Estonia with Ralf in this moment.

Location: Portugal 🇵🇹

Liked by @isavila, @89jorgemartin, @aronralf and 1,734 others

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Liked by @isavila, @89jorgemartin, @aronralf and 1,734 others

@anasyamartin Date Night 🍷

Tagged @aronralf

@paularon_ My brother can be romantic?

@aronralf Yes I can, unlike you idioot

@user1 Why isn't Fabio liking her pictures lately?

@user2 I think that they aren't friends anymore...

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Anasya and Ralf where now on their way to the airport, it was currently 2:54am and they were extremely tired. Anasya was sleeping on Ralf's shoulder, and Ralf was scrolling on instagram. He smiled once he saw the picture that Anasya posted, he loved how she wasn't afraid to post about their relationship. The taxi came to a stop, "You have arrived at your destination sir." the driver said to Ralf. "Thank you" Ralf responded to him, he then payed the driver.

He softly shook Anasya, and she woke up. "We are at the airport, we have to get out." Ralf calmly said to Anasya, they exited the taxi and collected their bags from the trunk. They where past security, and where now waiting for there flight to arrive, they still had an hour before they have to board. "Let's get food for the flight." Ralf suggested to Anasya, "Sure, sounds great..." Ansaya agreed.


Hey lovely people!

Sorry for the previous chapters having long paragraphs, when I'm writing the chapters the paragraphs don't look as long as they do when you read them as the reader. Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Word Count: 1,014

M <3

Love Beyond Time - Ralf AronWhere stories live. Discover now