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Finally after a long work day at the office I can finally go have fun. I want out of this skirt, blouse and tight bun on my head.
It's already 9 at night as I make my way to my car and call my bestfriend as soon as I get in. "Hey are you already at the track?" I pull out of the parking lot heading across town.

'Yeah we haven't even started yet most of the racers are here already we are still waiting for one more and you. Jack said we won't start till you get here, he knows you need it. How long till you get here so I get everyone to move out of your spot?'

"I'm pulling in now I need to go change but that won't take long"
I hang up the phone as I pull in, I see her making everyone move from my spot. I park then get out walking to the restroom with my bag, her following. I get in the stale and start changing as I talk to her

"Is it the same teams tonight?" "No the last team just got here they are new but apparently this isn't their first rodeo so they know what they are doing. There is four of them racing, I heard they were fast as well."

I come out and look in the mirror, I'm wearing a black thick tank top with jean shorts and my red pumps. My hair is still in its bun but I'm going to take that out right before. "Let's going see Jack before he kills me."

We laugh as we leave the restroom and we walk by all the racers, and I see the newcomers but I don't get their faces so I can't see them but after I walk by I can feel their stares burn into my back side.

"Jack my lovely friend how are you." I call out to him as I set my bag down in his tent/office for the race tonight. He turns and looks at me with a smile.

"Alice, Megan my favorite girls. Y'all ready to have some fun?" A devious smirk comes to his face as me and Megan have a small smirk on our as we look at each other. "Let's go put on a show shall we. Oh also," I take a hundred from my back pocket.

"Who has bets on the newcomers?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "Nobody has why?" I put the money in front of him on the table,
"I placing a bet on them I have a good feeling I don't know why but I do."

"Whatever you say boss lady don't get mad at me if they lose." He takes the money while looking at me as we go to leave the tent. "And don't ask for any money when I win." I say sparing him one last look as I go get my stuff.

The first two get called up and they pull up waiting for me. I pull my hair out of its bun and my blond hair goes down my back.

I walk in between the two cars one is solid black the other has blue and red and I don't recognize that one so I know it's the new guys. I stand in my spot and turn to the car calling them to come forward to their spots.
I point to the black car and he nods and when I point to the red and blue car he nods but he looks very familiar I just can't put a name to the face.

  I put my hands up and you could only hear the car engines roars to life, the anticipation of what's going to happen next like everything had slowed down.

That thrill of adrenaline that pumps through your veins as two very fast cars are about to soar past you at a very fast rate and could get you hurt.

 All in one motion I sling my hands down as they both go flying past me sending my hair up into the air.

Everyone cheers and screams as they make their way down the track hitting the turn around heading back to me and it isn't even a close race. I put my arms out on either side and sling my right hand up as the red and blue car comes flashing by me. 

I turn to look at Jack who is on that side with a smirk knowing I made the right call to bet one of them. Megan is the announcer of the races call out that Ethan had won. I stand back by Jack as she calls the next two up.

A hot pink car gets pulled up next to a car that's black and it's looks like it was used for someone spray painting artwork. It says ' go big or go home' on one side and 'connect' on the other with a bunch of colorful designs on it.

I go stand back in the middle and pull them forward and as I ask if they are ready the driver in the black car seems so familiar as well, I just can't put my finger on it.

I send them flying down the strip and as they do I get a glimpse of the whole crew and they all look so familiar it's scary. As they come back down, and I raise my hand as the black car come flying past. 

Megan announces that Ri-ki won the race. I look at Jack knowing damn well that I just won this whole thing and there are still two more races for this bet.

At the end of the night the newcomers have won, and they announced their names which were Ethan, Ri-ki, Johnny, and Jay. I had won the bet and I was counting my won while Jack rants with Megan helping me out.

"Did those boys seem familiar to you in any way?" I look at her waiting for her response. "No why? Do you feel like you know them from somewhere I mean this isn't the first place we have worked at maybe you have seen them at another race?"

She try's to helping by questions where I might have but it doesn't help, "No this is the first time I have seen them racing it's somewhere else I have seen them." I look at my watch and notice it's already 1am and I have to be back at the office at 8am.

"Shit Megan I got to go I have work in the morning. Thank you for helping me count," I give her a grand out of the four that's there "I will text you when I get home, and I will see you tomorrow. Love you" I blow her a kiss, putting my money in my bag and heading to my car.

As I get to my car I feel stares on me and I turn around to see the eight newcomers looking at me. I smirk and send a little wave getting into my car. Their faces bore into my head as I try to figure out who they are.

I guess that's a tomorrow problem because all I want is a shower and my bed before a long workday tomorrow.

Heyyy so I hope you guys like my new story I have had it in my drafts for a while now.

I hope you enjoy this Enhypen journey and don't forget this is a mature story for yes there will be smut scenes, fighting, blood, cursing and other types of stuff in this story.

So, if you are not above 16, I highly say I don't recommend this book for you, but I am not going to tell you what you can or cannot do so I hope you enjoy. 

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