Asuka found it...

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Asuka is seen at the Guardian household lying on (Y/n)'s bed. She was looking around his room until she saw a peculiar hoodie.

Asuka: What's this?

Asuka grabs the jacket and was shocked to see it.

The Jacket in question...

Asuka looked at the hoodie with disgust as she soon ripped it off the hanger and went downstairs to where (Y/n) was

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Asuka looked at the hoodie with disgust as she soon ripped it off the hanger and went downstairs to where (Y/n) was.

Asuka: I can't believe (Y/n) would have this...thing. Oh just wait until I give a piece of my mind!!

(Y/n) was in the kitchen making a drink for him and Asuka until he heard her stomping down the steps.

(Y/n): Oh hey babe-

Asuka: Don't "Hey babe" me! *points to the hoodie* EXPLAIN!!!

(Y/n): What? My Ahegao hoodie? Ash gave it to me when we first met. I had ever since. Besides its not like I wear it.

Asuka: I don't care if you wear it or not! The fact that you even have one disgusts me!

Asuka then walks off to the backyard. (Y/n) seeing this runs after her hoping she won't do anything rash.

(Y/n): Asuka, if you're mad about it I can get rid of it.

Asuka: Nope, too late you should have gotten rid of it as soon as you met me!

Asuka then soon throws the hoodie on the ground and goes into the weapons vault.

(Y/n) steps out trying to convince Asuka to stop but the redhead ignored him.

Asuka then steps out with The Wild Fire.

(Artist: itzpr3dt0r)

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(Artist: itzpr3dt0r)

Asuka took aim at the hoodie and pulled the trigger. Flames came roaring out of the weapon as (Y/n) could do nothing but watch.

After a couple of minutes, Asuka had completely reduced the lewd jacket to ash.

Asuka: Deine Sünden wurden gereinigt. (Your sins have been cleansed) There feel better now?

(Y/n): No...

Asuka gives (Y/n) a side hug.

Asuka: Don't worry, you'll get over it. I'm sure Ash just dumped it on you because he couldn't return it.

(Y/n): Eh, maybe you're right...

Asuka: Of course I am. Now come on let's get back inside.

Asuka kisses (Y/n)'s cheek and heads back in and (Y/n) just stares at the ashes for a bit before sighing and following behind Asuka.

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