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*Three Months Later*

Betty's POV

"Glen keeps looking at you." Erin, my classmate said, though not in a teasing tone just in a matter-of-fact kind of way.

I groaned quietly and glanced behind me slightly and saw he was indeed staring. Glen Scot was in my Principles of Creative Writing tutorial and seemed to have latched himself to me on day one. After every class he tries to talk to me, even after I politely told him I was in a relationship the first time he asked.

He was tall, had brown hair, cropped short, and dark green eyes. He looked at me like I was something to be conquered; he wasn't interested in me, just what he could get from our interactions.

"He can't get the hint that I am in a relationship; A happy one at that." Of course I had to get my own Cheryl wannabe here but with no Peter to scare his ass away. How is that fair?

"Oh he gets it, he just doesn't care. You're not the only one, I've seen him acting the same with Laura and Aisha." She laughed but I could also see her glare a bit in his direction. Like Veronica, Erin got protective of those she cares about.

"I don't know what else to do. I've shot him down every time he asks me out and blatantly said that I have a boyfriend and therefore have absolutely no interest in him." I growled. Peter knew about Glen — though I downplayed it a bit so he wouldn't get in a car to start a fight, even if it were tempting just so I could see him sooner — and he was not pleased with the situation at all.

"I guess you just have to keep shooting him down and hopefully he'll get the message. You know, I'm sure if we asked Rick he would have no problem with setting him straight." She grinned and cracked her knuckles. I'm pretty sure she was envisioning joining them in whatever tactics they would use in 'setting Glen straight.'

"I rather avoid a fight, but if Glen doesn't stop soon maybe I will get Rick to talk to him. Just talk." I emphasized.

She sighed. "You're no fun sometimes, you know that?" She grumbled, taking a sip of her beer. I rolled my eyes and tipped my cooler back, draining the little bit that was left. It was only my second one but I could feel it start to affect me, giving me a slight buzz, so I decided to switch to water for the next hour or so; I still had a paper to start tomorrow that was due on Tuesday and I didn't need a hangover getting in my way.

"Hello, my beautiful ladies, how are you enjoying this evening?" Hannah, Erin's girlfriend asked, appearing beside Erin and snaking her arm around her waist.

"It's been okay." Erin shrugged her shoulders and leaned into her chest. "It would be better if someone would ask me to dance."

"Well, we can't allow you to have just an okay time. Would you honor me with a dance, mademoiselle?" She smirked and held out her hand, bowing a little.

"Certainly, good lady." She curtseyed and I laughed at their antics. They were a cute couple. She turned to me. "You going to join us, Betty?"

"Maybe in a bit, I have to use the washroom. Want me to toss that for you?" I asked, reaching for her empty beer bottle.

"That would be great, thanks!" Erin yelled.

Once it was safely in my hands she dragged Hannah onto the dance floor, the sounds of dance music filling the room loudly. I first took a detour to the kitchen and quickly found the recycling bin that was overflowing with bottles and cans.

Around me people were relaxing and talking, with one group of both guys and girls in the corner playing beer pong on the table. I lightly tossed the bottles into the bin and made my way out in search of the washroom.

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