;Iwaizumi Hajime

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This wasn't much, I'm sorry! if he's a little (maybe alot) OCC. plus this is pretty boring so I apologize in advance.

Iwaizumi sat infront of you, looking very nervous. He raked his hands over his spiked hair for the seventh time since you got here, which is about 15 minutes ago.

"Are you alright, Iwa-kun?" You asked for the fifth time and just like earlier, he nods and drank his nearly emptied water, the waiter who refilled his glass really looks annoyed since he already refilled it 5 times.

"Are you sure?" He nodded again and seems to look everywhere but you. His uncharacteristic behavior really makes you worried.

You thought, he's just nervous because your brother, Tooru didn't come since he has something urgent to do and he just hastily left with a single word and poof, he's gone.

"Im not stupid, Iwa-kun, there's probably something wrong since you're fidgeting, and you don't do that" He looked at you for a moment then stopped his constant fidgeting "And you're nervous about something. I'm really worried about you" You frown a little as he looks through the tinted window, watching as the cars pass by.

You figured he wasn't going to tell you his little 'problem' so you heave a sigh then gathered your things, standing up from your sit,

but a hand wraps around your wrist making you bring to a standstill.

You looked over at Iwaizumi who's eyebrows where furrowed while his mouth opened and closed a couple of times. "Yes?" you mumbled, now really curious as what's he going to say.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes "[First Name] I-I like you, a-a lot" A tint of pink on his cheeks.

'Iwaizumi blushing, how cute'

You pushed the thought away as your [eyecolor] orbs widen, at first you thought it was a friendly confession but when his ears and face redden, you realized that it was indeed, a love confession

"Say what?!" you said and sat down to your previous sit, Iwaizumi looks at your compelling [Eye color] eyes, getting caught up to it for a minute "I said, I like you" furrowing his eyebrows for the thought that you do not share the same feeling. He suddenly felt stupid.

But Your cheeks feels warm at the sudden thought of your crush having reciprocal feelings toward you "I-I like you too Iwa-kun"

and that;s all it takes for him to suddenly perks up, with a wide grin on his face. he opens his mouth about to say something when a familiar voice booms behind you,

"What did you just say?!" Tooru, fumed looking very mad. "Oh hey, Nii-chan" You nonchalantly waved at him ignoring the defiant stare he sent towards you and Iwaizumi

"Iwa-chan, she's off limits." He firmly said but you smiled anyways fully giving Iwaizumi your attention "As you were saying, Hajime-kun?"

"I was just about to ask you on a date"

"Ah. Yes, I'd love to go with you"

Tooru's jaw dropped to the floor "Hey!"

"What is it, Nii-chan?" you bat your lashes at him innocently

"You're off limits" He crossed his arms to his chest; You knew he was going to be like this. Just like every other guy who has guts to admit their feelings to you.

You intentionally rolled your eyes and stood up "Who said such things?"

You grab Iwaizumi's hand and walked out of the booth, leaving Tooru dumbfounded. You've let him shooed away your past suitors but not this time because you really have loving feelings towards Iwaizumi and Iwaizumi towards you.

Anime Tittle: Haikyuu!!


See that's not such a bad thing

haha jk

I promise im gonna do another Iwaizumi-senpai one shot

i feel bad making him occ but when someone confesses they really get nervous

unless you're really confident that your crush likes you too.

I ran out of ideas *sigh*

Gomen Gomen Minna-san.

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