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When falling, their arm broke the fall. As quickly as possible, they held their scythe out before it even got the chance to swallow them whole.
Barely in reach, they made an attempt to wave it in a motion to get some sort of contact between the weapon and the hideous thing in front of them.

"How pathetic."

It crawled towards them, unaware of what they had up their sleeves.
The minute it was in arms reach, they scathed the thing in front of them and managed to get an open cut as it screeched in pain. With the remaining energy they had, they tried to climb the back of it while trying not to set anything off. They were aware of the possibility of falling considering the uncoordinated moving it was doing, but they'd rather get hurt falling than getting hurt while trying to put it down.
Just when they were about to use their stress to harm the eyes, it seemed fight against itself. On one end it seemed to try to hurt them but on another, it looked like it was trying to break apart? They couldn't even process what was going on since their nostrils were being attacked by some grime smell while trying to hold onto it's back.

For a moment they felt sad that they were doing this with no help. They'd never fought something this huge and powerful by themself before. Not to mention the curse consisted of two people, considering this, they'd be lucky if they got out of this with all of their limbs.
The thing was screeching before collapsing to the ground, taking Y/n down with it. While having it's little freak out, it almost crushed their entire body rolling around on the concrete like a dying bug.
A huge dying bug.
But luckily, they just barely managed to escape another near-death experience.

They watched from a distance realizing it wasn't fighting against itself.

They were hurt.

While chasing them down, one of them must've gotten hurt by the debris of the falling surroundings. Causing them to be in pain, hence the unhinged movement. Just watching them howl and squirm in pain had them wallowing in shame. And eventually, the curse dispersed, revealing the two children.
Ruina was hunched over and Taiyou was attending to her trying to find where the insane amount of bleeding was coming from.

All they could do was stand there and watch.
A grown ass adult holding a massive scythe watching a harmed child slowly bleed to death. Y/n knew good and damn well what they'd have to do to put both him and her out of their misery, and right now it didn't seem like the right time to do it.

"Are you happy now?! You did what you came here for so why are you still here?!" He yelled, tears rolling down his face.

No answer.

"You could at least finish her off instead of just standing there!"

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