Teacher training and the unexpected Hhhhhh

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It was the day we go to school again. Of course its teacher training. I was already in college waiting to see what high school I get. You got to pick which school you want to go to. I picked a high school and Some people picked primary schools. Jess picked high school, Hannah picked primary and Nessa picked primary.

Jess- sun shine high school
Nessa- pixi primary school
Abby- canterblue high school
Hannah- London primary school

I smiled big when I heard I was going to canterblue high. That was mine, Jess, jodie, Luke and Logan's school. It will be like old times.
"You will all start your schools at 9:00am tomorrow.Alright, you may go" our teacher said after she told us the information we needed.
Everyone walked out the class and down the stairs.
"Aww Abby, your so lucky" Jess winces like a little kid. I laugh while Nessa and Hannah looked confused. "Why she lucky?" Nessa asked. We both smiled at them. "It's our high school!" We both shouted together. Nessa covers her ears and Hannah sighs. They both know we can be loud at times. "Alright girls, no need to shout in our ears" we both gave sorry looks to Hannah but laughed after.

We all walked to the parking lot. Me, Jess and Hannah walked
to our cars. Nessa didn't drive. She got the bus. "See you guys later!" I yelled to them. "Bye bye babes" "bye bye" "see you lot later" they all said to each other. Everyone from the car park were watching us but we all didn't care. Well, maybe Nessa did because she always blushed when there is a lot of attention. I get in my car. Close the door and put my seat belt on. Did I tell you that my car is a Honda Fit? It's in my favourite colour blue. I know a Honda Fit is big but it was the best car I liked. I saved up and bought it. It did take a while though to get the money.

In about an hour I'm back at my place. I get out of my car shutting the door. I get my keys out of my pocket and open the house door. "I'm home!" I yell to my mum and dad. "We're in here!" Dad yells back. From where his voice was, I could tell they were in the living room.
I walk in sitting in the black leather sofa. "Had a good day?" My mum asks. I nod my head at her. "I'm going back to canterblue high school for my teacher training tomorrow" I say looking at mum as she smiles. "Oh lovely!" Mum sounded really happy when she said this. My mum always loved canterblue high. She even went there. But I do wonder what it's going to be like there again. I mean, has it changed? Will it be the same? And what will it be like being a teacher in training? I guess I'll have to find out tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.

It was already 7:00am. I was at my high school, canterblue. I already asked where I was meant to be. The lady said I was in the drama room. Lucky I remember where it is. I'll be honest with you. This school hasn't changed one bit. There's the populars, the not so populars and the geeks. Year 10's who are in year 11 now have took over Logan's and Luke's place. And the sluts took over HER place. You know who I'm talking about. Basically there were lots of players and sluts at this school in year 11. but it seems year 10 kids have took their places.

I'm guessing your wondering where I am? Well, I'm In B18. The drama room. I found out I would be working with my favourite teacher. Mr smithy. He's a really funny teacher. Though he can be serious when he wants to be. I sort of went gaga when I found out I was working with him. I mean, I didn't go gaga where your crazy about a guy, I mean, when your excited.
At the minute I'm just sitting on Mr smithy's chair talking to him. "Alright, so what should I do?' I asked trying to get tips. " well, introduce yourself. Your last name I mean. I would suggest you play games with them until you know everyone. Do you know any good games, fisher?" Yes, Mr smithy called me fisher sometimes. He called everyone by their last names at times. depending on his mood. I nodded my head. "Yeah, you know the games called the action name game, zip, zap, boing and wind blow?" He nodded his head. "Yes I know those games" I smiled as I remember the best game of all. Mr smithy did it with us all the time. " there's also another game they could play if we got time. The wolf game" Mr smithy laughed. He knew that was the only game I played at school in drama. No other games I would play. "How many kids are there Mr smithy" I just wanted to know. That way it would be easy for me. " there's about 10. It's a small group" I nodded my head getting things ready for them. 10 kids isn't bad. "Just a warning. Some can be like....how do I say..." He tried to find the right words but nothing came to him. "Logan and Luke was?" I finished his sense for him. I knew those were the words he was looking for. "Yes, thank you" that wasn't going to be a problem. I would sort them out.

The bell rang for first lesson to start. All the kids came in. They looked about 16 years old. I remembered some of their faces from earlier. They all sit down on the chairs. I walk to the middle with Mr smithy. "Everyone! This is miss fisher. She will be taking this lesson" Everyone stayed quiet. They were all looking at me. I felt uncomfortable but I knew this was normal. "Alright everyone. Let's play a game called the action name game" everyone looked at each other confused. I smiled knowing they didn't know what the heck that game was. "Everyone Stand in a circle" they all did what I said. "How we play this game is: you say your name and do a pose. Everyone does this until it gets to the last person" most of them thought it was an okay game but some thought it was stupid, I could tell by their faces. One guy put their hand up. He looked like one of those players. I just smiled warmly at him. "Yes?...." I waited for him to say his name. "Nick...Why are we even playing this stupid game? We all know each other" I knew it. He's a player who tries to act cool. I frowned alittle but tried to keep my warm smile on. "Yes, that may be true, but I don't know any of you" Mr smithy was laughing in the back ground. I gave him one glance before going back to my class. "Oh" was all Nick said. "Ok let's start. Nick, since I already know your name, why don't you start"

"Nick" he gave a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
"Rose" she turned around in a sexy way. Guess she was the slut
"James" he gave a thumbs up. He also seemed like Nick.
"Jake" he done a duck pose. I guess he was the joker.
"Skyla" she just posed with her hand on her hips.
"Tom" he did tiger claws. He seemed like the fun type.
"Sarah" she touched her head with a wink. I guess she's the flirty one.
"Faith" she shook her hands side to side. She must be the shy type
"Trevor" he done a push up pose. He's the show off
"Yaz" she pushed out her chest. She must be another slut.

"Alright!" I clapped my hands together with a smile. " let's do zip, zap, boing. Now I'm sure you all know this one. But I'll go over the rules. You put your hands together. If you go left its zip, if someone says boing you jump in the air, and when you go right it's zap. Everyone get that?" Some said yes and some just nodded. "Alright let's get started" I'll not put the boom in, ping or getting everyone out yet since they only just met me. But I might do it tomorrow. If I remember correctly. Mr smithy's timetable has this group again tomorrow.

It's been about 20 minutes playing the game. It was time to change for the last few minutes. They were getting a bit bored of this game. "Alright, guys for the last few minutes let's play wind blows. Get a chair and get in a circle again. The rules are: someone goes in the middle and says for example: 'anyone wearing green!' People who are wearing green run to different seats. Whoever hasn't got a seat is in the middle" they all nod again. I wonder why their being so good.

It was about 10 minutes later. I looked at the clock. It was time for next lesson. " everyone! It's time for next lesson" everyone got their bags and walked out. I sigh in relief. "You did great for you first class" I smiled over at Mr smithy. "Thank you. It was hard but I had fun" I walked over to the desk getting ready for next class. "Well, you still got a Lot to learn. Also you still got four more classes to go" yeah. This is going to be a long day.

It was finally 3:00pm. I walked out of school. My phone rang. I took it out of my bag. It was Jess.
"Hey girl!" I say to Jess as I walk down to the play ground. Jess's car was outside of school. She already finished before me so she asked if I wanted a ride.
"Heya, Abby! You finished?"
"Yeah I'm finish, I'll be down in a few minutes"
"Alright babes. How was school?"
"Yeah it was amazing. It felt like I was a teenager again. But all the kids were good. There were just a few who were horr-" I stopped nearly outside school.
"Hey, everything okay Abby?" I heard what Jess said but I couldn't move. I felt like I was stuck in one spot. My eyes wouldn't move from the person in front of me. I felt weak. Sick. And worried. I dropped my phone on the hard ground. My phone smashing into pieces. I knew who this was. It was her....

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