Dare 9: crazy-ness (finally i have a title!)

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I dare crazy-ness...!!!

Ap321: WTF???

Foxy: *skips down the hallway* LALALALALALALALA

BB: WTF!!!!??? *makes funny noise and does cross eye* hieeeeeee

Mangle: *stares at the crazzy-ness*

Marionette: *facepalm* o_O

Toy Chica: WTF??? *face explodes*

Ctd: Freddy Forebears pizza is a load of crap today :|

Bonnie: *eyes turn cute like puss in boots*

Mangle: *looks at bonnie*

Bonnie: *breaking Mangle into an endoskelliton again* hehe

Mangle: holy crap

Toy freddy: wow this is crazy *faints*

Toy bonnie: see ya before it gets WORST *head spins madly then faints*

BB: hieeeeeee byeeeeeeee

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