Chapter 30 ~ Epilogue

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---Holly's POV---


Alice jumped and spun in the air as the clash of pins getting swept under the lane was heard behind her.

"Nice one, babe!" exclaimed James, standing up to give her a high-five upon her return to the seating area.

"You're up, babe," said Alice, and James cracked his knuckles before stepping up to grab a bowling ball.

"They're better than us, babe," said a teasing voice in my ear.

I turned to face River who was sitting beside me with an arm resting on the back of the couch behind me.

His hair was still floppy but a bit more pushed back today. Probably so that he could see better. This was a bowling tournament, after all. Four weekends of playing against Alice and James had led up to this moment: the finale. Whoever lost this week would have to pay for dinner.

Three of us were still dressed in our graduation robes. Alice had insisted we kept them on. Something about this being the only day to wear them ever, and that we should be proud. Humph. She didn't graduate today, so she was the only one in normal clothes. Maybe it was all part of her plan to make us lose?

"They are better than us, babe," I said back to him.

"Are you mocking us? Babe, they're mocking us," said Alice, her eyebrows raised, her flaming red hair matching her fiery temper today.

James scored 9 points, barely missing the opportunity for a spare. He came back to the couches and sat down next to Alice, across from me and River.

"Doesn't matter if they're mocking us now; they won't be soon when they have to buy dinner," said James with a smirk.

"You wouldn't be this confident if we were playing Mario Kart!" said River, sitting forward.

"We're not playing Mario Kart, are we?!" cried James, also scooting forward.

I locked eyes with Alice, and both of us slinked away as the boys started arguing.

We walked past the other aisles, making our way toward the front counter. It wasn't very busy at the bowling alley today, which was nice for us. I supposed that after graduating, most people went to parties or family gatherings.

I was perfectly happy with the bowling alley and my friends. Although, I was missing someone.

"I wish Aiden could've made it," I said as we got to the counter.

"I'm sorry that he couldn't," Alice said, touching my shoulder. "You know he'd come if he wasn't so busy."

"Yeah, I know."

I had told Alice and James about Aiden's real career a few months ago. They had rightfully freaked out, and Alice didn't speak to me for a couple of days as she mulled over the information, but they both came around after that. Now, it was simply common knowledge that Aiden was a movie star.

Alice and I ordered some burgers and fries to share, and then we went back to our lane. James and River were sitting on the same couch, watching a video about an upcoming comic book release. I think River was having some influence on James recently.

I smiled, thinking about my boyfriend. River had gotten a lot better recently, and his panic attacks were far less frequent than at the beginning of the year right after the stalker. That had been the worst, with almost every day having some sort of attack, but we had gotten through it together. And look at him now! Geeking out with his best friend James. I couldn't be happier for him.


River and I lost the bowling tournament. Majorly. Like, it wasn't even close.

"You should stick to soccer," I told River as we returned our rental bowling shoes.

"Good thing I signed with the professional team," he responded coyly, and I laughed.

"Yes, good thing. But wait, what do I stick to then? Bowling was my one true passion in life..." I sighed dramatically.

It was River's turn to laugh. "Yeah, right! You got the graphic design thingy."

"It's not a thingy, it's an actual job," I said, grinning.

"Same thing."

River and I walked out of the bowling alley, Alice and James behind us chattering away with each other.

As I stepped into the sunlight and saw what was before me, my smile dropped.

A black SUV.

The door opened, and I saw the face of the one person who could make me even happier.


He barely had time to get out of the vehicle before I rushed into his arms. He spun me around in a hug.

Aiden set me down and both of us stared at each other, beaming.

"You said you wouldn't get here this week!" I said, the smile not leaving my face.

Aiden shrugged with a boyish grin. "I pulled some strings. Sorry I couldn't see the actual graduation ceremony... but I'll make up for it! Dinner's on me tonight."

"Ha! You hear that?" I said, spinning around to face my friends. "That means River and I don't have to pay!"

Alice was frozen, her mouth open. James, too, gaped at Aiden.

"Oh... did they not know about me?" asked Aiden, frowning.

"No, they definitely knew." I shook my head. "They're just starstruck."

"Your earrings... your jacket... they're stunning..." mumbled Alice as though locked in a trance.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said James, coming forward and grabbing Aiden's hand. He shook it a bit too harshly. A bodyguard who was standing to the side came forward slightly.

Aiden waved off the bodyguard and smiled down at James. "Nice to meet you, too. How 'bout we all go to dinner and we can talk?"

"Better than talking in a parking lot," agreed River.

Alice, not fully out of her daze, simply nodded. I laughed, having never seen her like that before.

The four of us piled into Aiden's company SUV with him. The ride was mostly Aiden and I talking to each other while James and Alice stayed in silent disbelief. I caught River looking at me with that look in his eyes that he once told me was awestruck, fairytale love.

We arrived at the restaurant, a small Italian place in the city. Aiden had, of course, rented out the whole thing like the extra person he was.

The bodyguards gave us space as we sat around the table, eating and talking. After about five minutes, the initial awkwardness had worn off, and Alice and James were soon back to their chatty ways.

"I graduate next year," Alice was telling Aiden, "but I got an internship this summer for a cybersecurity firm."

"That's great," said Aiden, nodding in approval. "What about you, James? Any future plans?"

"I'm getting my master's degree in teaching," said James, lifting his head a bit higher in pride.

"That's my baby," cooed Alice, and the two held hands across the table.

River made a barfing motion, and Alice threatened to dump her water over his head, only stopping because James held her back. Aiden was leaning over the table laughing.

I locked eyes with River, his infectious smile causing me to also smile.

Love filled the space between us.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.


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