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I was taking a morning walk a ways out from my home town. Everyone had been swept up in the disaster that had just occurred at the castle. I didn't care for it too much, but when it's all I had heard about for days I just had to take a breather.
I heard faint neighing and clopping in the distance and looked over out of curiosity. There were two beautiful white horses, with silhouettes of what appeared to be two men riding them. They halted in the middle of the valley they were crossing, I was on the outskirts hidden in the woods.
One of the men seemed to sort of slump off his horse and lay on the ground, and the other one who was much larger, like a giant almost, jumped off his horse in a panicked frenzy. This worried me, so I quickly bolted from the trees to go make sure the man was alright. I hiked up my dress so I could run faster and slid to the ground next to the fallen man.
"What's wrong?" I asked the giant, who didn't seem all that concerned about who I was or where I came from.
"He got stabbed. The wound reopened," He replied in a gravelly voice. I could barely make out what he said and even he seemed to struggle with spitting it out.
I saw the stains of blood seeping through his white undershirt and quickly ripped it open so that I could get a better look. He stirred slightly at this and with little strength, tried to push me away.
"Sorry, sir, this is for your own good," I reassured. I tore off a long piece of cloth from my outfit and wrapped it around his torso, replacing the blood soaked bandages that had been there before. "I need to clean the wound better and close it back up, can you take him on your horse?"
The big man shook his head, "us two would be too heavy. You can take him." I let out a sigh and stood up as the giant scooped up his unconscious companion. I slid onto the horse and he rested the, what appeared to be, spaniard man behind me.
Once the giant was on his horse I whipped the reins and started for my home.
"Fezzik..." the man I was carrying mumbled, "you're so small, and you smell nice." I felt a blush creep to my cheeks as he seemed to cuddle in closer to me. What a ride.

Once I had fixed up the wound and rebandaged it, I arranged a hammock for the big man, Fezzik, to sleep in outside. He seemed just as exhausted as the long haired Spaniard, Inigo Montoya.
As I had fixed him up I took a closer look at his sweat covered face. He had soft bushy hair that framed him perfectly, a proper gentleman's mustache, and odd scars on both sides of his face. His accent gave me chills in a pleasant way, along with his strong muscles in his arms and chest.
I watched him breathing as he slept, taking a rag and wiping away some of the sweat. He awoke with a start and gripped my wrist to hold my hand in place.
"Who are you? Where is Fezzik?" He inquired with a glare. I blinked slowly at him for a moment before answering.
"Your friend is outside, resting. Now please let go," I replied calmly. He released his grip and went to stand up before groaning in pain and laying back down.
"Im surprised your makeshift bandage lasted as long as it did, but I've taken proper care of the wound. After a short recovery period you should be just fine and back to, whatever it is you were doing." I was a little excited by the appearance of the strangers since it was something new, but I did also enjoy my peace.
I sat down at a stool I had placed next to the bed Inigo was resting on. I closed my eyes and let out a tired sigh. When I opened them again, Inigo was staring at me, studying me. My cheeks grew warm and I quickly stood up and turned the other way.
"You must be an angel," he stated. I heard the bed creak as he sat up. I turned around and walked back over to sit next to him.
"It's a possibility," I replied with a small smile to humor him. I fiddled with the rag in my hand I had been using to wipe his face earlier before looking back over at him.
He was once again just studying me, and I felt my heart explode as we maintained eye contact. He reached his hand out to me, my eyes widened and I froze in place. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a crooked grin.

Once Fezzik had woken up, the duo went on their way. I heard something about the "Dread Pirate Roberts" and how they needed to hurry. Probably something important, but I was still sad to see them go.
"Thank you for everything," the giant said, but it sounded more like every-ting. I curtsied respectfully. Inigo, while still holding the reins, lifted his hands up to sort of salute me in a way.
"Will I ever see you again?" I asked suddenly as he turned away from me, about to whack his horse into motion.
"I do not know," he replied, and then was off. I sat there watching them go and disappear out of view, my hair and dress getting blown in the wind.

After two years I had nearly forgotten about Inigo Montoya and his giant friend, I only remembered I had housed them and liked them. The prince had been made a fool of, and was desperately trying to prove himself so he could be king with no complications once his father passed.
One day I was visiting the square near the castle to do some shopping and interact with my fellow citizens. I watched Prince Humberdinct pace around anxiously from his outlook, but no one else seemed to pay him any mind.
Our eyes did eventually lock when he caught me staring, and I stared at him blankly for a few moments before someone began speaking to me and I had to turn my attention away.
As I was leaving the area to return my short journey home, a general on a white horse stopped me.
"A letter for you, from the prince," He announced to me and offered a letter. I took it from his hand with wide eyes, but he didn't explain any further. He rode off into the square and I started walking home, still confused.

The prince requested, more demanded, that I come talk with him at my earliest convenience. He sweetened up his words and spared me a few compliments, I knew where this was going.
It was a tempting offer. I held no love for the prince, or much of anything at all. I don't know what had happened to him in the past all that well nor did I care to verify the rumors. He was an attractive man, in both looks and status. But if Buttercup had rejected him despite this, there had to be a reason.
I had heard rumors she had been found on a farm close to my hometown. I was sure I could find her and learn her story in enough time for the prince not to think I was rejecting his offer. I had no better prospects, that Spaniard had yet to ever return.

It took me only one day to locate former princess Buttercup. She accepted me into her home kindly and had me sit down so we could talk.
She gave me a brief summary of her and Westley's story and the prince's involvement. The story didn't surprise me all that much, but it was a little different from what the rumors said.
Westley came in from chopping firewood and Buttercup explained why I was here.
"If she needs help escaping it'll be very hard without Inigo and Fezzik," he remarked casually.
"You know Inigo?" I exclaimed and abruptly sat up. Westley looked surprised at my outburst.
"You could say that, why do you ask?" the swordsman replied.
"I found him and the giant near my home one day, he was injured. I helped him recover. I must know, where is he?" I begged as I walked up closer to Westley.
"Somewhere out in the sea, he's the new Dread Pirate Roberts," he replied. My hands dropped to my sides from their original praying position.
"I see," I remarked sadly. Buttercup came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure we could get a message out to him for you?" she offered. I quickly shook my head.
"No no, it's alright. We don't mean that much to each other," I promised, but thanked them nonetheless.
I went on my way and returned home before nightfall. I threw the invitation from the prince into the burning fireplace in my home. He would recover, maybe.

A few weeks later I heard loud neighing as a few horses approached my house. I quickly turned from the door in fear, clutching my hand above my heart. The door burst open.
"I won't marry you!" I exclaimed in fear, thinking the prince was here to threaten me.
"But I haven't even asked anything yet," a familiar voice replied. I spun around immediately to see Inigo Montoya decked out in all black in my doorway.
"Inigo!" I exclaimed and ran up to him. I almost leaped into his arms before realizing I had no idea why he was here. "What can I help you with?" I inquired, putting my hands behind my back.
"I got a letter from an old friend. Said you and Prince Humperdinck may get married," he answered, resting a hand on his sword and motioning with the other.
"I'm so sorry! I told them not to bother writing to you," I apologized sheepishly.
"I'm glad they did. I can't imagine that devil getting to marry an angel," he scoffed. I smiled softly.
"What were you planning to do if I had agreed to marry him?" I asked curiously.
"Come and rescue you of course," He replied like it was obvious and I was stupid for not thinking of it. I laughed and brought up a hand to cover my mouth.
Inigo reached out to grab my hand with his and pull it down from my face, taking a step to close the distance between us.
"Don't cover that up," he almost whispered, tilting his head down. I slowly raised my head up to look at him as he brought his other hand to my cheek from his sword.
His palms were cold, and as I leaned into his touch he brought his lips to mine. We stayed like that for a moment before he broke away.
"Now are you willing to marry me?" he asked with a mischievous grin.
"It's a possibility," I replied, and he smiled as he continued staring at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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