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As Ino stood outside the Uchiha clan house, she tried to remember why she was there in the first place. Thoughts flooded her mind: Naruto breaking down, the image of Hikaru crying, how they both put on a smile despite how much the betrayal of Sakura must have hurt. She scowled and the reason came to her. She had Naruto's side of the story, now she wanted Sakura's. Naruto was not one to lie about things but he sometimes left out information that could be crucial, like the time Sasuke put a Chidori through his chest and he didn't tell anyone. That set her to steaming again and she pounded on the door with all her might. She reasoned with herself that it was a big house and she wanted them to hear her even if she left a dent in the door. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was pissed all over again. Moments after her beating of the door it creaked open and revealed Sasuke in all his brooder glory. He was still a heartthrob: the classic black locks in a duck's ass hairdo, the perpetual scowl on his face, and the body of a genius. However, his looks just made Ino's scowl darken more as she thought back to how blindly she had followed him in her younger days. If she would have been a bit more observant then she might have seen how wonderful a person Naruto was and neither of them would have been alone. She was startled out of her thoughts by a buzzing in her ears.

"…you want? What do you want Ino?"

"I, uh, I want to speak to Sakura if I can."

Sasuke just nodded once and opened the door wide and ushered her in. After closing the door he motioned for her to follow him and led her into a large room where Sakura was playing with their two children. He grunted, letting her know he was there, and her head perked up and she glared when she saw Ino. Ino saw this and cleared her throat.

"Sakura, I've come to talk to you about the other day…alone?"

Seeing that he and his children were not needed here, Sasuke led them out and shut the door. 'Actually using some tact for once.' Thought Ino. Sakura sat on the floor with her legs crossed and an expectant look on her face. Ino crossed the floor and sat across from her. She didn't really know where to begin this but found out how when Sakura opened her mouth.

"So, come to apologize for the other day and tell me I'm right? I knew you'd come around eventually."

Ino's head shot up so quick you'd have thought her neck would snap. She glared at Sakura which made the pink haired woman gulp. Finding her resolve, Ino launched into a conversation that would change her views on several people.

"No I haven't changed my mind from the other day and I won't apologize. What I've come here for is a reason for what you said. We all know that the fox is sealed inside Naruto but he isn't the damn fox. I want to know why you divorced a very kind, loving, and noble man for an ice-cube like Sasuke. I want to know why you abandoned your son. I want to know why you hate Naruto now."

Instead of getting defensive, Sakura just sighed, which confused Ino greatly. When she raised her head, Ino saw tears in her eyes.

"Everything you've said about Naruto is true Ino. Yes he is kind, loyal, loving, and noble. He cares for Hikaru like nothing else. He loved me unconditionally. My life with him was content. I wanted for nothing while I was married to him. I don't hate Naruto the man, however. I hate Naruto the demon. You weren't there every time he lost control to the fox. He hurt me Ino. I was scared the last four years of our marriage. I'd go to sleep and wonder if I'd wake up the next morning. The only thing that kept me there was Hikaru."

"Then Sasuke came back and my love for him came hurtling back. I fell in love all over again with him. He was so handsome and he'd accomplished his dream of killing his brother and I wanted to help him restore his clan. I needed to help him restore his clan. No one else could love him the way I could. I immediately marched up and declared my love for him and you know what he did? He kissed me Ino and electricity shot through my body. I hadn't felt like that since…ever. Naruto never made me feel like that. I was safe and warm with Naruto, but with Sasuke I felt alive again and I felt needed. I was needed. Nobody else would let him marry their daughters and all of you had given up on him. Hell, even Naruto didn't want to save him anymore. I couldn't stay married to Naruto anymore Ino. Sasuke needed me more."

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