Chapter 1

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senior year.

let's try not to fuck it up this time.

i stood outside my new school, no friends to keep me company, no one else caring about the new girl. its not like i wanted to be here either, but i didn't have a choice. 

i was an only child to a single mom who worked 3 jobs with long hours. my dad is who knows where, i barely see my mum at all and with no siblings to look after me i'm used to being on my own. i had no one to teach me rights and wrongs, no one to look after me when i was scared, no one to celebrate with on a happy occasion. i've only spent 4 birthdays with my mum, all being the first 4 of my life. i'm turning 18 this year. i moved here with my mum two weeks ago. she found jobs here with higher pay and a nicer apartment with lower rent. of course i was happy that things were becoming easier for her, but that didn't hide the fact that i didn't want to leave my hometown. not like i had much to leave anyways.

enough with feeling bad for myself. i have a new chance, a fresh start, maybe i'll make a friend or two. i doubt it. 

suddenly i hear a loud honk fill my ears. two teenagers in a car flip me off and tell me to move. i only just realise i'm blocking the road. i walk towards the school doors, flipping off the two teenagers as i go.

the inside is packed full of students i don't know walking with friends and comparing timetables. i look down at my own having no idea where to go. so i walk off down a random hallway, hoping to find anything useful. 

as i turn the corner i run straight into someone, knocking over their timetable, books and phone. 

'i'm so sorry, i didn't see you coming' i say while i bend down and help her pick up her belongings. 'it's alright, i should've been looking to.' she responds. i stand up handing her her phone with a small smile. she smiles back while taking her phone. 'i'm alahna' she tells me. 'amelia' i say with a small chuckle. 'are you new around here?' she asks her curiosity finally taking the best of her. 'yeah' i respond 'first day'. i look down at my shoes with nerves as she places her hand on my arm. 'first day nerves am i right?' i nod slightly a small smile appearing on my face. 'i'll show you around don't worry, can i see your timetable?'. 'yeah sure' i hand her the piece of paper and she studies it for a minute before a smile breaks onto her face. 'it's your lucky day' she says as we start to walk 'we have most of our classes together'. it suddenly feels as if a massive weight has been lifted, maybe i will make a friend after all. 'it looks like the only class we don't have is ms britten for science.' i look down at my timetable  seeing that i don't have science today. 'must be my lucky day' i say 'no science until thursday'. 'plenty of time to get to know this place.' she tells me. 

we stop outside a door which i'm guessing is our homeroom. she walks inside and i follow, taking a seat next to her at the back of the classroom. i feel uneasy at being in my first class and alahna notices. 'don't worry' she tells me 'i'll be with you for the whole day, and i can show you around some more during break. i'm sure my friends won't mind meeting you tomorrow.' i smile at her 'thanks' i say 'for everything, i really appreciate it all'. she smiles back 'no worries. being new is hard, especially in senior year'. the bell suddenly rings and the classroom door shuts. here goes nothing.


kinda short first chapter. they will all probably be around this length, maybe longer, depends on what i can think up. so we've met alahna already and we'll meet all the triplets very soon. got a bit of background info on amelia and why shes here. all the basics really. ngl i was kind of uneasy with this chapter but i dont think it's half bad. 

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