Chapter 7

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Ruby's POV

We then arrived at the living room seeing everyone was there. Renesmee then looked at me as she starts introducing everyone.

"Hey, everyone. This is Ruby Brookes." She said as I waved to them.

"This my adoptive Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett." She said I smiled at them and smiled back.

"You can call me Rose if you want." Rosalie said.

"This is my mom and dad, Edward and Bella." She said.

"You have raised a friendly and kind daughter." I said. They smiled.

"This is my other adoptive Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper." She said. I waved to them and they waved back.

"This is my adoptive grandparents Esme and Dr. Carlisle." She said.

"Doctor? I thought vampires feeds on blood. How do you handle it?" I said to Carlisle.

"Years and years of practice. And besides we dont feed on human blood only on animal blood." He replied.

"That's the reason why we have golden brown eyes instead of red." Esme added.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Oh and this is Jacob and Seth, they are werewolves." She said.

"That's cool." I said as I lean in to Renesmee and asked. "Is he the Jacob you are talking about?"

"Yeah, he is." She replied. Edward then looks at the both of us knowing he can hear us or maybe read our thoughts.

I then turned my attention to Seth, as our eyes landed on each other, we stand there like we were the only ones left in the world, nobody is around us. I then feel my eyes turned blue for a second as I feel the connection or bond with him. I then realized I found my mate.

Seth's POV

As our eyes landed on each other, everything went still. I saw my future with her. I saw her running at the La Push beach chasing each other, I saw that we kiss under the moonlight, and everything else we did together. I realized that I found my imprint. I imprinted on her. I then turned to Jacob as he smiled at me knowing what just happened. Yes, I'll never get teased again. 

Ruby's POV

As we break our eye contact, I thought to myself "I wasn't even trying to find him and yet here he is, my mate." Edward then cocked his eyebrows at me knowing that he must have read my mind.

After a moment, they told everything about themselves as a werewolves and vampires. Let's say I immediately got it from what they are saying because I have a good memory and I can easily understand it. After finishing saying about themselves I then told them about myself about being a mermaid, why I'm here and everything else about us. They were also pretty shocked about my real age.

"That pretty sums up everything." I said as I finished up.

"So you are saying you are half human. But why aren't we affected when we smell your blood?" Jasper asked.

"That is because I have my mermaid blood it shields the smell of my human blood from any predators of the sea like sharks so, it wont eat me. I guess that includes you guys." I said.

"Oh okay." Emmett said.

"Renesmee said you needed my help about something. What is it?" I asked.

Bella then looks outside and she said. "Its getting late maybe tomorrow. You can come here with Renesmee tomorrow after school." 

"Of course." I said knowing Renesmee and I needed sleep because of the quiz tomorrow. Its still weird to think vampires don't sleep but Renesmee does because she is half human like me. I said my farewells to them and I then walked towards the door to leave but then someone tap my shoulder from behind and turned around and saw Seth.

"Do you want me to drive you to your house?" He asked.

"Um...No. Thank you for asking by the way. I can take care of myself." I said.

"Oh okay." He said looking sad.

"I better get going then." I said.

I then left. After reaching the house I plop on the couch exhausted from walking. The reason why I didn't ride with him is that, I needed time to think what just happened. I found my mate after all this years. I thought It wouldn't happen but it did. Maybe there is chance for me after all. I then fell asleep on the couch thinking about him.

Renesmee's POV

As soon as she left, I turned to Seth.

"What was that? Asking her to take her home?" I asked.

"Ruby is his imprint." Jacob said reading his mind.

"What?!" I said as everyone was shocked.

"And apparently he is Ruby's mate too. I read her mind and also her eyes change color for a second." Dad said.

"Just like when mermaids found their mates." Alice said.

We looked at her confusingly. 

"What? I read some books about mermaids in the archive. I just thought they weren't real but I guess we have met one so they are real." Alice said.

"Who cares if its not real or not. I found my imprint and I will never be teased again. And Edward do you really think, she thinks of me as her mate?" Seth said.

"Of course. Dad will never lie about this or the mind reading stuff." I answered for Dad as Seth sighs in relief.

"Well, I guess that's good to know. I just need sometime before I talk to her." Seth said.

As they all congratulate Seth about finding his imprint, I sat at one of the chairs in the living room thinking what would her reaction would be when we tell her about something we need her for. Dad then sat beside me knowing he read my mind and know I'm worried about this.

"Everything will be fine. I'm sure of it. I read her mind and she is willing to help whatever it is." Dad said.

I then laid my head on Dad's shoulder and said "Thanks Dad". Sooner I didn't realize I have fallen a sleep in my Dad's shoulder.

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