Chapter 4:

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"Yn, dear?" The woman tried calling out, but to no avail, you were deep asleep in her arms. Your head was on her chest your arms gently wrapped around her neck and legs curled up on her lap.

Seeing there is no point in trying to wake you, she stepped out the car, slowly walking to the entrance of her castle.

"Mother Mother! You're back!" The three girls screamed in unison, standing in front of the woman.

"Daughters! Move! It's too cold for you to be standing there!" She yelled, slamming the entrance doors shut.

"We apologize, mother.."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she smiled. "It's fine, darlings." Smiling they ran towards her, wrapping their arms around her waist and giggling.

Meanwhile, you were still unconscious, no matter the happenings.

"Did you bring us fresh pray, mother?" Bela chimed. "No. This is our guest, Yn. If you do try something, you will suffer the consequences."

"Make her stay worth a while." The girls whined, pouting.

"Now now, stay put. There is a month or less of winter and you can go hunt again. I don't want you hurt." The girls turned in to a swarm of flies, flying away in the castle.

"What am I going to do with you.." Alcina thought out loud, her eyes sparkling the second she figured.

She laid you in her sleeping chambers, covering you with a fur blanket and exiting the room.


It's been a couple of hours. Perhaps, five.. You were shuffling under the blanket, trying to get your grip on reality and open your eyes. Was this just a dream? Surely, a fever dream.

Looking around your eyes met a silhouette of the woman on the wall coming from a room connected to the chambers, delicately moving, her every move gentle and elegant.

Slowly getting out of bed, you walked to the cracked open doors, quietly peeking through the opening.

It was the woman from before, Alcina..

Her hair was mid length resting on her shoulders, no makeup, effortlessly standing in front of a mirror, one of her hands on the counter supporting her, while the other was sliding the thin fabric of a robe off her shoulders in a slow manner.

"It is not polite to stare, dear." She said, looking at you through the mirror with a soft smile.

In panic, you parted from the doors, back slamming in to the wall, breathing somewhat heavy. You were drooling at the repeating image of her body and that genuine smile in your mind.

It was quiet, only the sound of your erratic breathing present.

"Are you alright?" She called out, slowly opening the doors and looking at you. "Answer me." She demanded, getting impatient.

Nodding, your gaze was still fixed on the floor, switching from the cold tiles and your feet. "Words, dear." She was walking closer. Standing in front of you, she softly took ahold of your chin, lifting your head.

"Look at me." Her voice was raspy, tiredness present but she was still too powerful and elegant.

You couldn't dare to look. You knew you would just melt at the sight, drown in her eyes or simply fall unconscious.

"I do not like to repeat myself, darling."

Breathing out, you tried looking at her, but your eyes kept wandering off, appreciating her bare shoulders, her posture, the soft pink lips.

"Someone is staring again.." She exclaimed quietly.

The robe she was wearing was so thin you could make out her whole figure, just thrown on to get extra warmth and comfort before a hot bath that she was longing for.

She needed to relax, it has been a rather stressful week. Mother Miranda is insisting on finding the right host for Eva and she's blaming everyone for her failed attempts.

"This is your room, little one" She pointed at a door right after the one you've been peeking through. Walking over she opened them revealing a smaller room painted in a blood red color, with an old shelf filled with books covered in dust, a single bed with some simple covers and a smaller closet opened with a uniform and a nightgown stored.

"Since you're staying here, you will have to work for me, and my daughters. Although, you will have to be my personal maid, if that's alright with you."

Nodding, you were still at her side, looking at the small room processing everything.

"Is everything alright, little one?" She looked at your dumbfounded expression, you still deep lost in thought. Shaking your head, you stuttered "yes.." walking towards the closet.

"You may take the rest of the day off, after all, it is almost ten. I expect of you to fulfill all of your tasks, without complains."

"Yes, My Lady.."

Smiling, she clasped her hands together at her lower stomach. "Well then, good night, servant." Smiling, you stood in front of the tall woman, curtsying. "Good night, My Lady"

"Well aren't we funny?" She let out a breathy giggle turning around and leaving. Closing your doors you jumped on the bed, groaning at the pain in your still tired muscles.

You weren't sure as to why this happened.

Why was she so nice?

What will happen now?

We're you ready to work for her? I mean, you did do everything around the house, help out and try keeping everyone alive.

Wasn't she just.. A big heartless monster, just like the rest of the Lord's and Mother Miranda?

What was even the point of calling her Mother?

Your head was slightly throbbing from the flood of random thoughts and unanswered questions.

Covering yourself with the blanket you snuggled your face against the cold pillow.

It wasn't the same as laying in Lady's warm embrace.

Why were you even thinking of that giant woman?

Your eyes shot open, your expression matching your thoughts. A curled eyebrow and a small pout.

"Oh God.." You whispered to yourself, turning on the bed and trying to get comfortable.

Nothing was satisfying you, but your exhaustion was too much to handle so you just closed your eyes, falling into a slumber, your mind hazy.

On the other hand, The Lady was sitting on her bed, her hat gently placed beside her, a book in her hands as she finished reading the last page of her all time favorite novel.

It wasn't usual she had to sit on her bed and distract herself from a new maid and the lingering thoughts in her mind.

Alcina was more than intrigued by the young woman and she was eager to find out more about her. Even if it meant actually trying to talk to someone else than her own daughters.

It would be a very hard task for her, though.

She is used to talking to everyone with power and elegance, how is she supposed to even consider talking to a maid in a different manner?

Placing her reading glasses and the book on her night table, she looked down at her hat, slowly blinking and looking over everything today has brought.

New feelings, a new maid, possible new opportunities.

Well, as much as she'd die to think about all of that, she needs her beauty sleep, and more importantly she needed to prepare for an upcoming meeting with Miranda and the other Lords.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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