People and weapons.

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Y/n walked into an earth town, looking around.

"This is so surreal..." They muttered under their breath.

I guess, I've seen it a million times, but it's your first time being somewhere you've only ever seen on your tv or phone. And you really should stop talking to me in public.

"Right. Let us go find food then."

Did you really just say 'let us'? 

Y/n sighed and walked up to a stall selling fruits.

"Hello, there little one! I see you have spotted my fresh fruits and vegetables! I can guarantee there the best in town! Please, take a look!"

Gazing over the table y/n saw what looked to be peaches, pears, bananas, apples, cabbage, lemon, lettuce, mango, onion, and several other things.

"I think I will just take a- uh, moon peach! I would like 3 moon peaches please."

"Allrighty then! Are your parents around?"

"No, why?"

He hesitated and glanced to the side. Shuffling uncomfortably.

"Well, who will pay for them?"

"Oh. I believe Tehy put money in my bag..."

Y/n reached into their bag, nervous when they didn't see anything.


Suddenly a bunch of coins with square holes in the middle appeared in their bag.

"Here they are!"

Y/n pulled a handful of them out and put them on the counter.

"Oh. Ok, thank you very much for the business!"

He handed them some coins back, signaling the end of their transaction. 

"Thank you!"

As they started walking toward the next stall, she spotted a man that looked familiar. He was dark-skinned and looked like he had a few silver hairs. They didn't know why he looked familiar until they realized he was pushing a wooden cart full of cabbages. 



He whipped around and looked at y/n like they were crazy. 

"Ahem, I mean, could I please buy a cabbage?"

"Yes! Sure you can!"

Forgetting about the outburst, he was now excited to sell them some cabbage.

After that y/n finally made their way over to the meat stall. 

"Good day young'on! You out 'ding chores for yr' foalks?" (Good day young one! Are you out doing chores for your parents?)

"Uh, yes?"

She eyed them suspiciously. 

"Right' ten! What was you looking for?" (Right then, what are you looking for?)

"Could I get some eggs please?"

"Sure tin'g love!" (Sure thing love!)

"And, is there a weapon smith in this village?"

"Parents looking fer' a weapon?" (Are your parents looking for a weapon?)

"Yes. They wanted me to pick up something for combat, my brother is learning."

"Tat's good, d' weapon Smith's be'n down 'de river, what's 'e learning for? (That's good, The weapon smith is down the river, why is your brother learning?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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