Demon Time Part 2

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While Valentina was busy thinking about how Samantha had read her mind the monster infront of her had to patiently wait till she decided to kill him. Monsters here couldn't attack you, they only worked to make people less afraid of going into the actual forest which held live monsters that could kill you in a second depending on their strength.

" Valentina could you please kill that monster and continue on to the next level" Samantha said.

This woke her up from her thoughts." Oh yeah, well I'm sure its an honor for you to be killed by the great Valentina" She smirked when she said this.

She slashed at its torso, which instantly kill it. After that she continued to walk on the road of finding a worthy opponent. Which would really take some time.

Kevin the emo was also walking around the forest. Yet for some reason he was covered by darkness. Well he didn't mind since he enjoyed this environment. Then a loud roar suddenly filled the whole forest. He leaped into the air and saw a stone gargoyle flying in the sky. How was it flying, well I don't know. Kevin pulled his sword from the void and launched into the air.


When he was high up he slashed at the Gargoyle. It saw the attack and easily dodged it while flying. This meant that this monster had intelligence. He's not going to lie and say he knew where he was right now. But he was sure that this monster was weaker than him. So he used his darkness Attribute and embedded it in his sword which started to exude dark aura. Kevin again slashed at the Gargoyle yet this time the slash cut through the air and before it could react, it sliced it in half.

' Yess that was great' he thought yet his face still expressionless.

Travis on the other side had long ago killed his opponent which was a minotaur. He flicked his finger at it which sent a powerful force and destroyed it, plus a couple of trees behind him. He went on to the following levels which weren't challenging. Till he reached the last level which was level 10.

Travis walked around with his gaurd up since this place was really dark. He didn't know what could pop out. Even though they couldn't attack you they still could scar a person mentally. His calm mind skill turned on the second he entered this part of the forest.

While walking he heard a sound coming from behind, he quickly turned to towards it and saw a humanoid figure walking towards him. The first thing he saw was it red skin tone. It hard large broad muscles and a well tones body. Plus you even tell that it never skipped leg day from how strong it's legs looked. Plus the white horns on its forehead revealed to him what this monster was. It was non other than an Oni.

In Japanese myth, oni are people who were so truly wicked in their lives that they transformed into demons in hell. Some were even bad enough to be transformed while still alive! These giant, scary monsters with red or blue skin, horns, and tusks are traditionally the servants of hell. They enact violent punishment on evil-doers and will eat just about anything, including humans. While stories or depictions of oni may vary, they are always seen as dangerous and powerful villains.

Of course Travis had to put the many variants of mythical monsters in this world of his. His blood boiled while staring at it, he really wanted to fight this oni but he couldn't since it was just a hologram.

" No its not a hologram. That's the real deal. So have fun" then the voice dissappeared.

Travis didn't bother asking questions and got ready to fight. These monsters had intelligence meaning they could do stuff like dodge and attack. So Travis needed to be careful when fighting it. He didn't have the infamous plot armor like Chris.

Everyone had reached the 10th level and had also met an Oni. But all of them had the same weapons as them. Some were excited by this while some were a bit scared. It didn't matter either ways. They all had to fight this thing whether they like it or not.

" Don't worry I can always come save you when things get a little bit out of control ....
But I'm confident in you winning any way so I might not even need to help"

The others who weren't that ready sighed and got ready to fight, these people were Cyrene, Grace and Azusa. While the others didn't care to listen anymore since they're interested in fighting this Oni.

Samantha who was sitting in the control room while eating some biscuits chuckled a bit.

' These kids are really into fighting. I'm pretty sure they'd get Syked if I told them about the battle tower.' She thought.

While she was thinking a person came up to her." Miss Samantha. The Chairwoman wishes to have your presence. "

She nodded and vanished from sight the very next second.


Samantha appeared inside the office of the Chairwoman. She sat there staring at her with cold eyes that could kill a person from a blink. Beside her stood the her secretary who wasn't lacking in beauty. She also exuded a strong aura so one could just fight this lady without them getting killed the very next second.

Samantha however just casually brushed the pressure that was put appon her. She feared no one in this whole world even if they were stronger than her.

The appearance of the Chairwoman was covered by a black mask that hid her whole face except for her beautiful dark red eyes that seemed to glow in the dimmed room. Her beautiful black hair wavy hair wasn't hidden.

She sat on the chair opposite of her and waited for her to speak.

" Samantha, how are the worlds future saviors holding up?" She asked. Her horse voice rang in her ears as she smirked a bit.

" They're alright. Don't they send you a report daily on their progress?" Samantha asked with a hint of displeasure in her voice. She hated people that would ask dumb questions.

" Yes they do, but I would like to hear from you. The person who teaches this class " She said coldly. The pressure in the room began to grow again making the walls start to crack. Windows broke as cold air entered the room making it more colder.

The chairwomans secretary Stacy couldn't help but smile awkwardly. ' Why are they always beefing?' She wondered.

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