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"Don't Worry Mr.Kim she has fever, fortunately not too high but still not low. I have given her medicine. She'll be alright", doctor says with a small smile.

"Thank you doctor...um is there any medicine to give her again?",he asked.

"Yeah,i will text you required medicine you have to give her two times after food",she take out her phone before texting something and put it back on her purse.

"Sure",he nodded lead his way to exit with her.

I sigh and plop again on soft mattress before rubbing my burning eyes. Whenever i try to close my eyes year escapes and i feel burning sensation.

I groan and throw my hand here and there in frustration and whine while giving up. I never had fever like that before and it feel so frustrating and irritating.

"Do you feel okay?",i hear his deep voice and roll my eyes."Yeah, i can dance whole night without stopping. Should i show you?",I replied saracastily. I swear it's not me it's just my sassy side coming out...maybe because of fever.

"Oh! It will be a pleasure then",he grin before laying beside me."Why are you lying here? Go to couch",i ask but order also. Don't mess with me bitch.

"Darling it's not only your bedroom but mine also and we are gonna sleep together in same room and same bed also",he says while trailing his finger on my waist but i slap it.

"I will not sleep with you in the same bed",i gritted my teeths and glare at him."don't be stubborn Y/n ,you know that you will",he says calmly but i can feel anger.

"And what made you think that?",i raised my eyebrow at him."you can try",he says and shrug challenging me.

I stood up and quickly grab the knob of door but his bulky hands pull me back and my back pressed against his chest.
"Let go",i groan while wiggling in his grip.

"I told you to try and you loss",he whisper in my ears and roam his hand on my body."ok! I lose but please leave me!!",i shout at him and his grip tightened around my waist and lift me before making his way to balcony.

"What are you doing?",i ask with frown but keep quite and make me sit on balcony grill, my eyes widened."hey!! You can't do this!! I will die!!",i shout and look down with fear.

What if he throw me down there, my heartbeat accelerate."relax I'll not give you easy death",his eyes darken making me gulp and didn't speak any word.

"What you and Jungkook were doing at rooftop",he ask with frown of anger. How does he know? Did he saw us there?

"Answer me cariño ",he say in husky voice making me Shiver."what does carino means?",i change subject.

"It means darling in Spanish, now tell me what were you doing with him?",he speak smoothly and tilted his head looking in my eyes with his dark one."just fresh air",i says avoiding eye contact.

"Really? Do you think I will believe you? Tell me before i make you disable for a whole damn fucking month cariño",he growl and clutch my jaw tightly.

"I went to take fresh air but Mr.Jeon thought that i am going to suicide", i said in one go. Fuck I'm so stupid to make this trashy lie.

"Suicide? Why will you try to suicide? Are lying?",he frown....shit!! "Why would i? If don't want to trust me then don't it's not like my life depends on it",i yell and roll my eyes.

"Are you sure you life not depends on it?",he raised his eyebrow before losing his grip on my arm making me bend behind no-no. My eyes widened"no!! Please I'm not lying",i shut my eyes and shout.

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