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It was early in the morning, as you got up from your bed and went into the bathroom to do your daily skin care routine

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It was early in the morning, as you got up from your bed and went into the bathroom to do your daily skin care routine.
As you were about to apply your face mask cream a faint *Click* noise was heard in your bedroom.
"What was that?" you said as you stared at your door, deciding whether to open it or not.
It couldn't be your mother right? she was at work most of the time and you barely see her, and your father is with her..
"Maybe I'm just too cautious today, i need to relax." you shrugged off the feeling laughing to yourself.


You stopped and stared at the door again,
"O-okay, i heard that very well and clear." you stammered as you could hear your heartbeat rise up more quickly.
You quickly grabbed your hair dryer, and held it up in front of you.
You whispered quietly to yourself "I will count up to 3 and kick the door down, so that the burglar will be alarmed.."

'Although this plan is very stupid, its only right to defended yourself...right?'

You positioned your stance.




You kicked the door down with all your might screaming at the top if your lungs

It was just your TV that was on.

"Oh...well at least it wasn't any burglar but why is it static?" You asked yourself as you got closer to inspect your TV.

You lowered your hair dryer down on the floor and knelt on one knee as you inspected behind the tv and in front, suddenly you remembered that you didn't switch on your TV.

"Wait, what i didn't switch on my TV....did I?" you knew you were a very forgetful person, but you honestly didn't recall switching your TV on.

As you were about to question yourself further, your flip-phone rang.
you got up and quickly took it from your desk and answered.

"Y/N!, its Clover, you're never gonna guess what happened." as you were about to answer back Sam chimed in,
"Whatever it is, it can't be worse than being attacked by a computer virus."

Until you were about to respond back to both girls Alex responded interrupting you "Oh, yeah? Try a round of tumbleweed wrestling." she states, as you can hear distant screaming from Alex's line.
As you try to understand what they were yapping about you turned to look back at your TV which now had the WHOOP sign on it.

"Girls, i think WHOOP is behind this, my TV has the sign all over it now." you said looking dumbfounded.

"That's it!, it's time to call that jerky Jerry and give him a piece of our mind" Responded Clover, as she threw her flip-phone, took out the whoop wallet and dialled their number.

A hologram of Jerry showed up and greeted Clover, smiling happily.
"Hey, mister!. Save what you're sellin' for someone who's buyin'." Shouted Alex  on the other line.

"Yeah, we know what you and your sneaky organization are up to." Responded Sam angrily.

"Dude, could you just get your 'WHOOP' sign off my TV, it's obvious you're making our lives miserable so we'll be spies for you." you said sighing.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. it's against WHOOP policy to interfere with civilians' lives. Regardless, I'd be happy to help you out of your current situations. Provided you help me as well." Replied Jerry smirking.

"I can't believe it. we're being blackmailed by a bald geezer." whined Clover.

Jerry, rubbed his head correcting Clover "That's balding. And trust me, you won't regret your decision."

"Decision? What decision?"

As you were about to call outJerry's name, you screamed as you felt yourself fly upwards, getting sucked up by WHOOP headquarters.

As you were about to call outJerry's name, you screamed as you felt yourself fly upwards, getting sucked up by WHOOP headquarters

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