Name:Kaylee smilez
Main area to find:YouTube TDI stuff
Love:TotalDrama,You,Hannah,Leah,Lilly,Music,edits of her fav characters,Lives,Qna's,people that aren't rude about her ships
Hate:School,Herself,People who are rude about her ships,rude role players,Click-bate thumbnails(like Suicide or heat and or inappropriate stuff you get the idea.)
Image/idea of what she looks like:(Pretend she has short brown hair)
Siblings:Hannah,Raya,Ava(She don't have YouTube)
Cousins:Leah and Lilly
Lines she says on a basics:
"Hi gays I mean guys😘."(to my friends)
"I love that ship but I can't tell it cuz of him😕."
(To Lilly)
"I'll be Lindsay😁!" (To my friends)
"If I see spoilers on my fyp one more freaking time😡."(to Hannah)
"Time to pay back that favor😏."(pretend that's not there)
"The cops are here gtg😬!"(to my friends)
"Pansexual doesn't mean I'm attracted to pans🍳."(to Leah)164 words